Well said as always, Tom.
We see completely eye to eye on not asking permission to detect public property.
I'll only slightly disagree with you about the opinion you shared a while back about the rash of detecting shows on cable now. I do agree that it isn't the "chicken little, the sky is falling" scenario that some here are painting it. On the other hand, you'd have to be a pollyanna not to think that there won't be some negative repercussions from what these buffoons are putting on TV and representing as our hobby.
Also disagree on detecting public property being just like nose picking...nobody ever asks permission to dig for that gold in public!
We see completely eye to eye on not asking permission to detect public property.
I'll only slightly disagree with you about the opinion you shared a while back about the rash of detecting shows on cable now. I do agree that it isn't the "chicken little, the sky is falling" scenario that some here are painting it. On the other hand, you'd have to be a pollyanna not to think that there won't be some negative repercussions from what these buffoons are putting on TV and representing as our hobby.
Also disagree on detecting public property being just like nose picking...nobody ever asks permission to dig for that gold in public!