I've owned an E-Trac now for roughly two months. Here is what I learned:
1) When you're new, and you read about those coin numbers, they have a tendency to stick in your head too much and you find yourself JUST looking for the perfect combinations. I thought all coins would ring in at 12-??. I had to learn the hard way. There is a multitude of combinations, but if you want to be successful in this hobby you'll have to dig a lot. You'll need a pin-pointer, and learn to dig good plugs. This will save you time.
2) You need to build a test bed, and to vary the depths of the coins. You have to practice, practice, practice! You HAVE to listen and learn how the machine speaks. Until you learn the language you can't be successful. I'm still learning every day, and it never ends.
3) There is NO perfect pattern, or tone combination that will get you the coins. Just remember this simple concept. If the numbers are in the coin range, bouncy, iffy, whatever, but it's a REPEATABLE target from more than two angles, then just dig it. Sure you'll dig trash. We all do, but you'll find those old coins in the process.
4) Be patient. Every time you get out and hunt, you'll learn what your machine is saying. Soon you'll be able to tell what a lot of the targets are before you dig them. Not always, but you will learn what's what.
5) Go on YouTube and watch videos. hours of videos of what the E-Trac sounds like over coins. It's a great way to get a head-start.
Good luck.