Overrated and the best to use what metal detector is not. Yes, hmmm. http://www.yodaspeak.co.uk/yoda.png
Still comes down to what you are looking for and how much trash you are willing to dig. Simpler, to dig all above iron, get a Fisher 1270X, a Tesoro, or a DMC-2B, and you will still be leaving 90+% of the goodies. Willing to unmask, dig the iron--want deepest, get a ATX, or a ML GPX-5000 and get a big shovel and some Alleve (throw in prednisone, hydrocodone, & soma-helps a lot more) and you can get it all.
Read NASA Tom's articles, two good ones, "The Painful Truth," and "Beneath The Mask." I truly admire Tom, he is a warrior and dedicated; but to me what he is doing falls between drudgery, and torture.
Physically due to age and debilities I can no longer do it like that. (the articles are posted here, and his site)
That's why we have TID, tones, notches and many other features-to enhance the ratio of treasure to trash-because the reality is your time is always limited. Questions and answers can be simple, or complex,
but the real complexity is when you put the loop to the ground and there are 10,000, or 100,000 pieces of metal in every shape, size, and composition--throw in oxidation, mineral, position, depth, moisture, and luck, good or bad.....its compounded, convoluted, and multifarious (and evil) on steroids and PCP! What's real simple is digging--your eyes are 100% right every time (Monte.) I have many units, but my Treasure Baron Cointrax-2, CZ, and latest F-75 (multiple loops) get the most travel (coins inland/battlefields; in saltwater, Excalibur.) Whatever you hunt with just have fun and hope the detector Gods are on your side (you have two of their high priests already, George Paine and Dave Johnson.) I'd love a detector someone mentioned here, AKA Signum MFD-hearing a lot of good ( and some bad.)
A simpler question, what's your favorite drink (and I carry Montecrisos and Cohibas when I hunt too.)
Maybe Nanook of the North, John-can chime in.