Utuk_Xul, hotrocks are suppose to register at +48, so man you must have some hot iron rocky ground there if the hotrocks are down in the -minus range!!
The solution would be to use or Ground Balance Beach(umbrella icon) and Target ID Stability(+ icon), with Pattern 1, which rejects -8, -6, -4, -2, +48, BUT quarters(25c) come up as a -minus number also in your ground is THE problem! Also with not much depth.
So what then is the solution? Have you tried Prospecting Mode with the IM(Iron Mask) set at 5, then try all the way to max. 20, experiment. Also use Track and shut it off when you encounter a target.
You do not have a round 10.5" MF(7.5 kHz) DD to try which is the best one for both hotrocks and coins. That is the coil to get for your ground.
Otherwise if all else fails get a multiple frequency machine, get a used second-hand Sovereign GT(there is a person who adds an aftermarket TID meter in place of the speaker, I have his contact) or Explorer SE (Pro). You could sell your 705, and then if you are flush get the best being an E-Trac(about $1,500) which has a stock DD coil.
I also heard here that a Fisher CZ model in salt mode worked in bad ground where others failed to work. I added in (brackets) below.
"The MXT WILL pick up sub-grain gold in bad ground. Actually, it might pick up smaller gold than the high frequency detectors in such ground. I was picking up gold down to about 1/3 grain whilst up in the Brooks range.. in ground that, aside from a CZ6a running in salt mode, was (the)only(one) really hunt-able with ML SD2200d's. >The white's GM4, Compass AU32, Fisher GB1, Scorpion Gold Stinger detectors that the other guys had were basically unusable.< I've also played around on the Coquihalla(B.C.) with a number of detectors and found the MXT to be the 'winner'. ..Willy."
Multiple Frequency machines on the market are the Fisher CZ(-3D), Whites DFX--Beach Hunter ID--& Spectra V3, Garrett Infinium LS, and all the various Minelab BBS & FBS models with the E-Trac being the best.
Info on Multiple Frequency machines.