If anyone could do it it would have had to be you !!
I am PROUD to say you are a friend of mine and I WISH I would have had a chance to of spent a lot more time out there with you !
I also had my own kind of Forest with Fairgrounds !! I just could not be pulled away from Fairground's long enough to drive over and meet up with you!
It always seemed like when it was a good day over at Forest it was also a good day at Fairgrounds"s also.
I only wish I would have spent just a fraction of the time that you did hunting that park, It was always a LOVE- HATE
kind of thing with forest for me I would love it when I could dig a 8 inch Deep Seated Dime and walk about 3 feet more
and get another Great DEEP SIGNAL that would end up being a 8 inch clad DIME!!!!

That is one of the reasons most people that have that happen the first time they hunt the park they NEVER go back!!
Oh well that left a lot more signals for you to dig up over the years Mike Because you would just go on to the next hole
knowing the next one would be another Seated or at least a Barber !
CONGRATS AGAIN MIKE !! On a Job well done, I hope your Back and Heath hold up for another 30 years or so to let you get another
20,000 coins from some other Poor old Park!!!