Sooper Dave
Well-known member
Been way too busy to detect over the last two months and I was long over due for some dirt digging therapy. Saturday was my day to dig. I was longing to see the shine of silver in some dark soil, so I decided to make the 35 minute drive down to an old school spot I've been trying to get on for a few years now. I never could find anyone home but lucked up this time. The old school is long gone and a house built in the 80's took its place. The new owners were really nice and we walked around the property talking about what their neighbors have shared of the history. I was given the green light to have fun and to report back when I was done. I quickly geared up and headed to the front where the ball field was suppose to be. I made it about 50 feet along my first pass, got a nice high tone and dug out a merc. It felt so nice to hear that high tone and see silver in the hole. I got back to it digging wheats and then a couple more mercs. I hunted the front and side yard hard for the next couple of hours but the finds had slowed down to mostly trash. A lot of dirt has been moved around between building the house and installing the septic system. I imagine there are some goodies that got covered up in the process. I worked my way back over to the front where I started and worked over to the right side of the yard when I got a nice deep 12-47 and popped out the 44 Washington. There is a grass area to the right of the driveway that is about 25 feet wide and 100 feet deep. This spot ended up being the most productive area and I spent about three hours slowly working it to dig every repeatable signal. I found where the old well was and I dug 5 more mercs along with a very worn Chinese coin from there. Rain was moving in and I continued to dig finding a worn Barber dime and a nice Indian. I ended the hunt on an awesome token from a local cafe that is still in business. I am going to put it in a nice case and take it to them to display. I reported all my finds back to the owners and they couldn't believe it all came from their yard. It's fun to share the love of history with others and it's nice to have people so generous to allow us to dig in their yards. It is also a blessing to have a 70 degree day at the end of December to dig 10 silver and other goodies. This will be the last hunt of the year and it was a blast. I hope everyone has a great new year of digging!