..I learned me lesson from this-Wont forget to get my flu shot next December..Feel pretty good now;went for a 2 mile walk today;gotta cover my mouth cause I still got that rattling congestion in my lungs-Its gettin better though;yesterday morning when I would cough;it would feel like my lungs were tearin apart;and comin up my throat...doesnt hurt to cough anymore;but a LOT of congestion left in there...My Dr.told me last year"YOU HAVE GOT ASTHMA;AND THE FLU WILL ATTACK YOU RIGHT IN THE LUNGS IF YOU GET IT-DONT FORGET TO GET YOUR FLU SHOT!!"...Well;I had a flu shot and a pneumonia shot last year-pneumonia shot is good for 10 years;flu for 1-good thing that pneumonia shot lasts 10 years;let me tell ya-As bad as my lungs were congested and hurt;I was probably as close to pneumonia as I could get without havin it...The moral to my rambling story?BROTHERS AND SISTERS;IF YOUR DR.SAYS YOU NEED FLU AND/OR PNEUMONIA SHOTS;DO NOT FORGET THEM-Take it from me-This was a reminder I DO NOT want to get again...