Since you asked....Two rememberances come to mind...
Once, I went to sweep a popular local beach well before sun-up, like 3am, a guy has to park on the road and hop over a decorative split rail fence to access the beach since the gates are locked that early, and then he has to traverse an asphault parking lot which can be full of broken glass bottles, so Its a good idea to wear shoes...upon accessing the main beach area, a guy wants to kick off the footwear in an easy to relocate spot and start the hunt barefoot, so I found a little out of the way place to do the shoe drop and go to work...upon my return, still in the dark, my damn shoes were gone!
What the hell? What kind of Buster Brown shoe stealing SOB is out this early in the am?
A month or so later, I ran into a guy who also frequently swept that stretch, and we got to be friends, so I told him my story...he said, "Theres an old bastard who lives up the hill who comes down here every morning early and scarfs up all the towels and shoes and whatnot" ...
Had to drive home barefoot on account of that guy!
Another time, I went to sweep a local ski hill well before dawn in complete darkness (per JohnEdmonton's encouragement), the dang thing was a sheet of ice!, so I worked the bottom third according to Johns advice, and gingerly made it to the top I tried to work the back slope, which was quite a bit steeper and icier, I slipped and fell dead on my back and briskly slid all the way to the bottom! (You local guys that know this place, its like a big bowl, and the only way out is UP!)
Still dark, tried as I might to get myself on up out of there, a complete slick sheet of ice on all sides! I felt like a mouse caught inside a glass beer bottle! No footholds or purchase could extricate me from this dmanable frozen entrapment! After exhausting all normal bipedal efforts, I scuttlecrawled back over to the ski rope pull line, which hung inert and unpowered at this time of the morning, layed flat on my back and pulled myself on up out of there, hand over hand,....all the way to the top, upon reaching the summit, breathless but thankful, still flat on my back, taking a moment to look up at the stars, admire them, and light a smoke, (also admired)...I slid on down out of there to my car like a pat of butter somebody flicked on a sheet of glass in the sun at a restaurant...or a real greasy bloody booger casually easing its way to the floor drain in some Highschool lockeroom shower....I was beat! but happy to made it out of there alive!...thought to myself, screw Edmonton and this snow hill hunting!