My Signature below is up-to-date and you'll note that
MY Silver Sabre [size=small]micro[/size]MAX is back in my personal detector arsenal. Oregon Gregg has seen what they can do and why I rely on a Tesoro and a Nokta to compare all other detectors to see if they might be a 'fit' in my personal detector battery, Well, I must have been tired, or perhaps just frustrated from all the wintry cabin-fever weather we endured, I'm not sure, but I have snapped up a Silver Sabre µMAX that I got to my oldest son, Monte Jr., and I wanted to add the new Mojave to my detector arsenal and, with models I had at the time, I figured I could get by without my Silver Sabre µMAX and Gregg has been interested in it, so he bought it and I removed it from my Signature [size=small]
(and heard about it from a half-dozen people who noticed its absence)[/size].
Well, with springs final arrival, and making changes in my Regular-Use Detector team, while I have several of my all-time favorite Tesoro models, I was short the one I sold. I missed having it and bought it back from Gregg. I am not really "
getting back to my roots" because my 'roots' in detecting go back 18 years before Tesoro introduced the Inca in July of '83. And since I became a Tesoro Dealer and got my first Inca at that time, I developed a respect for what the Tesoro circuitry provided me for both Coin Hunting and Relic Hunting, with emphasis on the latter, and since that time I have tried to maintain at least one or two of my favorite Tesoro models in my personal detector battery.
Fast forward to today, and while metal detectors designs have improved with age, I haven't. I've had to trim my personal-use detectors to those that balance well for me and my bad shoulder and back as well as knee. My Regular-Use Detector team listed below ALL balance quite well for me and provide excellent performance afield. They are all also 'simple' and 'functional' for all my preferred sites and challenging conditions, making it even more enjoyable to benefits from their 'performance.'
So, not only do I have my Vaquero, w/high-tone mod, equipped with a 6" Concentric coil; Bandido II µMAX w/white 8" Concentric coil; 'original' Bandido /6" Concentric mounted; Silver Sabre µMAX w/6" Concentric mounted and new Mojave w/new 7" 'precision' Concentric coil ready-to-go, but I have two more of my favorite Tesoro models [size=small]
(an original Bandido and a Bandido II µMAX)[/size] I have acquired.

We have two
Welcome-to-Hunt Outings coming up soon, one in mid-May and another in mid-June, and my personal arsenal, each and every model, are quite capable of hunting in a dense iron contaminated site.
On each of the four first Outings, held the past two years, quite a few people show up with some sort of 'hi-tech' and expensive detector that just doesn't handle the dense iron debris ghost towns well. They might like what they have for other types of detecting, but need something that can handle working in and around a lot of iron nails and such. On two of those four
WTHO's I took along up to five Tesoro's that fit in my personal favorite category ...
and sold them all. So I am keeping a sharp eye open for any of my favorites to get in-hand before an Outing, and now I have TWO very decent Tesoro's that work well to take along to sell.