I half a$$ think you are full of it,simple fact you say you program it in the confines of your home.I can't turn mine on anywhere near the house with out it going nuts.
I will assume your post is legit(We do time to time get people that make bogus statements that have never even seen the detector,let alone used one)The first thing I will bet is you are swinging the coil like you are in a race.Can't do it!You got to swing the coil slooooooooow.Most of the old detectors,the faster you swing the coil,the deeper it would go.The opposite is true with the Explorer.The Ex. gives you so many more signals that if you try and swing fast,it will blend them all together and confuse the s#%t out of you.You will hit that shallow clad once in a while,but you will miss the good stuff.1 foot per second swing,any faster,forget it,at least as a newbie to the Explorer.Once you know what the detector is telling you,you can pick the pace up some,but even then you will miss stuff.
Another thing I noticed that I didn't see anyone mention is you running Sens at Auto 21.If you are going to run Auto,pump it up to 32.The Auto sens will set itself to the best sens at the time,but will not set itself higher than what you have it set for.In Auto sens,it might be setting itself to run at 6,you don't know.Now the other end of the spectrum is true also,Try and run too much manual sens,and you will miss stuff!I know Charles will disagree with me on this,but I have seen it happen way too much.get a coin signal in high trash and switch to Manual and the signal will break up on most signals.Find a happy medium.Don't know where you are,but I would say try 32 Auto till you get some hours in on it.And not 3 hunts,I am talking 100+ hours.Rome wasn't built over night.
I would also say to get the hell out of trashville and find some place with less trash to hunt for a while.You have to be a PRO (At least know what it is telling you )before you can get any depth at all in high garbage areas.It is possible,but not very easy.
Till you get the hang of it,dig ONLY repeatable signals.It will drive you nuts trying to figure out a good iffy from a bad iffy at the start.
Forget a set program,you will only miss good stuff that bounces around because of bad soil types or near junk.Use iron mask -8 or -10,screw the rest.Programs are only good for cherry picking,IMO.I always find deep silver dimes that lock on over way left towards iron,but sound sweet!
Next item,LISTEN to the sounds more than what the meter says,the meter is nothing more than a reference.BUT,the depth meter is right for me,on coin size items.deep big items show a shallower depth than they are,and tiny shallow items show deeper depth than they are.Just my experience,but I trust the depth meter.But like Charles said(I think it was Charles,sorry if it wasn't)If you do not have the target exactly under the coil,it will read deeper than it is,also a good way to get close to the target before you actually pinpoint it.Find the shallowest reading and then pinpoint it,you will be close,unless it is junk(ahh,another tip for telling good sounding junk signals from good sounding good signals,pinpoint location <IMG SRC="/forums/images/biggrin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="

I think I am done now.Good luck,you will love it if you learn it.