Rosario -
The point of my post was that by tightening your discrimination, you were worsing the situation rather than improving it. The tighter discrimination is super for finding a target that will not be masked by iron. Basically, that means something that was lost recently or in an area that has a limited amount of trash.
One thing that no one has mentioned, is that you can improve performance by setting the recovery mode to FAST. The detector will come off the discrimination masking a lot quicker. A lot of fellows hunt in that mode almost exclusively.
Now, you were asking what the point of discrimination was if you had to run in all metal mode. First off, most folks prefer an iron mask mode of -10 or so. Another thing that many do is to take the medium cursor and then disciminate a cursor line across the bottom - this kills all the foil and thin trash (you will also loose the thinner ladies rings).
The strength of the Explorer isn't discimination - it is target identification. Once you find a good target, you can wiggle the coil over it and eventually get a solid target it. Once you know what the positions of the crosshairs mean, you will be digging the good targets and not the trash. And you know what, THAT is discrimination.
I have been detecting with Explorer for about 2 months now. A lot. I am just now really turning the corner on how to get the most out of the machine. You seem like a very methodical fellow and I think that you are going to do great once you set aside your expectations and discover that you have a lot more detector in your hands than you had anticipated.
For me, recovering a coin in an area that is both difficult to work and has been gone over by a lot of people is very rewarding. If the machine just did it, well, that would be cool, but knowing that it was the machine combined with my ability to operate it makes it even more fun.
Here is good cluster of settings that I used for a long time:
sensativity 24 (or less, depending on noise)
iron mask -10 to -12
FAST recovery
Audio 2
Varibility 10
Gain 7 or 8
Ferrous sounds
As you grow accustomed to this, you will likely find yourself dropping the iron mask lower to check targets. Eventually, you may tire of adjusting it and just run it wide open.
Use it and go find some oldies. Once you have some success, even just a little bit, it becomes a lot less frustrating <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
The reason for the modest sensativity setting... The DEPTH indicator becomes a lot less accurate once you pass 24. (It isn't very accurate anyhow, especially on shallow targets.) It will also cut down on some ghosting and still gets way, way down there.
Finally, that 10.5 coil is nice - it runs deep! But if you are working a trashy site, the 8 inch coils (either Sun Ray's straight 8" or Minelab's 7.25") will let you use a lot more discrimination and still get the good stuff. Having the proper tool for the job at hand is always a good thing.