One of my goals this summer was to train our green Oldenburg.I have been riding this horse three days a week and try to stay consistent so no surprises are encounter.At this point the walk trot is ok but the cantor,which to non horse people is a slow run.Patriot starts a cantor by going into a full blown buck that turns into a smooth run,and thought today I would improve with this simple gate.Three laps in the arena each direction with a trot good post and smooth he followed my directions,by the way you stand up or post as the outside leg is moving forward.I knew there could be a problem working on the cantor,little tap with my outside iron and a light tap with the crop and a verbal word can--tor.Anyway he bucked and reared as he pulled his head to the ground the second time I tried to push off his whitter to re-balance but was too late.My forward momentum was into a fall and then another rear snapped me over his head rein still in my hands and landed on my back.I wore a helmet and had a Kevlar vest on.When I landed could fill like a razor cut on my right side near my kidney.My wife came over and said Ron the fall wasn't that bad quit playing around and setup.I explained to Pam there's a pain like a razor cut feel with every attempt to move.Both our cell phones were in the house,so Pam had to walk a couple hundred yards to get the phone and the car.I finally craw ed on my hands and knees to the back seat.At the Oxford Emergency care center,after three hours of pokes xrays and blood test for kidney damage,the Doctor,said you'll be ok,except for the three broken ribs 6-8 weeks to heal.Anyway tomorrow will be a better day.Later Ron