okay, "metalmedic" has his detector driving light spoken for! two more up for the taking? first come first serve! The little lights are easy to came by via fleebay, its those clips I use, they closed my work place down and put me out of work so I got all of them I could find in the close down/clean up.
You know I guess some people have had more of a night life than others, like me, for 25 years I worked evening and basically lived midnight shift, so very little of what I did I did in the daylight other than sleep!
I have gotten of work at 12:30am and me and some guy would get out in the parking light throw boomer rings!!! believe me done right they will come right back where your standing!!! it was dark one night, there was these High Pressure Sodium parking lot lights, we had painted this one boomer ring some sort of orange color thinking we could see it better, he throws it, ten feet from his had and its GONE! were looking, listening, in an instant he yells DUCK!!!! it went about two feet over our heads in our ducked position!
On the end of our warehouse at work was a Very Large Wall, after work and a tennis ball we would play wall ball until daylight, go home and go to bed.
I've gotten off work at 12:30am drove 25 miles to Huntington and metal detected until just shy of daylight, packed up and went home and went to bed.
Many time my family would go night fishing.
Night crawler hunting (real worms that craw in the ground)
I would come home and work until daylight on inside remodeling projects, the police has been called on me for that a couple of times.
Now, I can see how day minded 'Only' people don't see the sense of any of that and that's okay, but I've noticed in recent times that even road crews are now working at night! less traffic, better temperature's, yes they need lights, what I'm saying is at night is not as bad as the day thinkers has it pictured to be! Night hunting it different, its not for every place, a buddy helps! many places are great to hunt at night.
Ball fields are one! take a buddy, don't use a lot of BRIGHT lights flashing all around it will attract a lot of attention, take a buddy.
Beaches seems like a good place to hunt at night.
The druggies and their crimes are more likely a problem in the lower income side of towns and cities, here we have area's now referred to as "Little Detroit" its not safe to even drive through these places in your car in the day time with the windows rolled up and the doors lock, you still could be shot! would I metal detect even close to places like this NO!!! not any time of day or night!!
Good grief, I need to fix something in my last post LoL! (word correction in red)
(I wrote in the above post) The last time out at night for me in the park I was by myself, its was quite, it was a normal night time darkness, but
it can get a little spooky (creepy) when your totally alone, you have your
headphones on and there is that concern that somebody is going to mug you, or the
ever EVIL Jason might wonder by
So, for this reason I find it way more
comforting to have a buddy with me.