Yet another piece of junk to throw on the information heap that I had posted elsewhere...
In a pinch you can blast charge a pack in say 20 or 30 minutes or less but that should be the rare occasion. A 1 hour or less charge rate is fine here and there too, but don't make it routine. At least keep a fan on the pack to keep it as cool as possible when charging. Some guys even lay them on top of one of those plastic coolor freeze packs while charging (make sure it isn't sweating causing a short!). A hot pack destroys it's life span.
Kered, you might try the above when fast charging your packs that are popping the thermister.
Also Once Again A Reminder: I'm talking nimhs/nicads here. Lipos should NEVER be charged more than 1C (1 hour or less charge time depending of how dead the pack is). 1C charge rate means a 2000ma lipo should never be charged more than 2 amps. Some newer lipos are said to handle higher than 1C charge rates but they are very new and not very common. Unlike nimhs/nicads, a 1C charge rate for a lipo is considered a "healthy" fine long life charging method that is not shortening the pack life. A healthy/long life charge rate for nimhs/nicads would be something in the 10 to 14 hour range, maybe 4 or 5 hours would be as well. Anything less than 2 hours is probably shortening the nimh/nicad's cycle life over time, but just fine here and there.
Also, while covering battery handling info on lipos- Once again, NEVER drain a 3 cell serial (most common) pack below 9V, or 3 volts per cell, and never charge more than 4.2 volts per cell (which most lipo chargers take care of automaticly). If the lipo has a cell that drops below 3V most chargers will refuse to charge it. You can refer to prior info I posted on how to TRY to recover a lipo that has gone below proper voltage, but this is VERY RISKY and could cause a fire or explosion. Use at your own risk!
Lipos that aren't used for a long time should be "put to sleep" by charging or discharging it to a certain resting voltage (number escapes me at the moment). Most good chargers like the Turnigy Accucel 6 have a "sleep" or "storage" function to do that for you. Once you have it to the proper voltage then stick it in a metal box and put in the refrigerator. Some put the packs inside ziplocks first to avoid any moisture causing a short but I don't. So long as the refrigerator doesn't sweat or the packs weren't real hot due to it being summer they shouldn't sweat, or at least take them out an hour later and wipe them dry to get rid of the condensed moisture from cooling. You don't have to store lipos this way but it prolongs their life. I think I read that a fully charged lipo sitting on the shelf loses 16 to 24% of it's holding capacity after a year or two, which means less run time when charged again. Even when I don't put them to a storage voltage and plan to use them in a few days I still throw them in the refrigerator. Both the storage voltage and the cooler storage temp help prolong life, so at least try to do one of the two when not used for a while. Remember, lipos don't loose charge as they sit, so don't worry about the voltage dropping on the shelf below 9V. The only time I'd worry about that is if the pack was already drained to just above 9V from use and then put in the refrigerator. The colder temps might cause the voltage to sag a bit below 9V. A storage charge or above should prevent that chance. (say 10V or more).