Getting By
New member
Thanks for having us. I (we) got into detecting recently as a birthday idea for my wife. We were watching one of those Alaska gold something shows and she commented about an ancient detector we used to use in our business for locating utility points and how cool it would be to check some of the local mines out. Bingo! a gift idea for the one person crazier than me! A few days later with a Simplex+ and an ACE 300 we went on her Bday hunt. We reside on a property with more than a few prospect holes, old placer claims and a ghost town less than a mile away. Fortunately the ground wasn't quite frozen. Thinking we are hooked. She found in short order with her ACE 300 an old blasting cap tin, what appears to be a hand made rock drill, a coverall rivet, a broken pick end, some kind of donkey shoe (that's a guess), and the obligatory million nails, all circa late 1800s.
No gold, no silver, but the joy is in being able to discover, date and try to imagine the spirit of folks 100+ years ago who just showed up, worked their rears off, and took the chance to get ahead. Our Dog Iris had the best find of the day and is the proud owner of a new skull!
No gold, no silver, but the joy is in being able to discover, date and try to imagine the spirit of folks 100+ years ago who just showed up, worked their rears off, and took the chance to get ahead. Our Dog Iris had the best find of the day and is the proud owner of a new skull!