already on lower rods that I like to use on the MXT, and I have the sites where I try to evaluate any new detector that comes out.
I hunt with several fellows (and one gal) who are VERY SUCCESSFUL with their Minelab Explorer XS's and II's. There are some things I like about the Explorer's abilities, but not the weight and balance.
I have two good friends who are very loyal XLT users, and that's another models that I personally like a lot. One prefers to use the Tone ID most of the time but he's coming around to learning his XLT. The other is a kick to go hunting with because she's so successful ... mainly because she doesn't put full faith in the Tone or visual ID. She uses those features, but takes more of a 'Beep-DIG!' approach.
One good hunting buddy, like me, prefers the XL Pro over the digital display White's and we both do well along side others with newer models at 2 or 3 times what we paid.
I even have a friend who likes his Garrett and finds some good stuff, now and then, with it. I like the physical packaging, but it just doesn't cut it with me.
Three others I hunt with monthly have been relying on their MXT's since shortly after they came out. They, too, have their days of good success, and as I have siad, I like the MXT's manual controls but I do not like the noisy operatiomn and a couple of little design issues. I respect it as a capable unit.
While I do not own a DFX anymore, I have a fridnd who will loan me his whe I want to play around some more, and a dealer friend who encourages me to take any of his display & demo models out for 'test drives' for a few days at a time. The three I had just didn't work well for me in the areas where I usually hunt. I like the clearer display to the XLT's and I definitely like the quick mode change over the XLT's delay, so I still try and get warmed up to the DFX, but it's a struggle. None of them work for me. I just don't care for the performance or functions,
Several of the friends I hunt with also own a Classic ID or IDX model because they work. They ave their place.
So I like to be able to try new detectors and see what might work for me and perhaps be something I want to have in my personal battery. Aong the way I realize that not everyone has my same wants or needs, and there are makes and models they prefer. That's fine with me. Even those who appear to be way overly defensive about the DFX are sometimes annoying, but they can use what they like and works for them.
What annoys me is reading posts made by dealers who are known to be overly wrapped up in themselves and tend to over-promote a new model they are working with. Or individuals who are quick to post how other posters, to include ME, are wrong to judge a product based upon ads and photos, but that is exactly some of the information we have to use in making a detector decision. And in postsing that we are quick to judge they, too, are quickly judging.
For me, the MXT has just 2 or 3 issues I would like to have seen addressed. I would like to have seen a slightly improved MXT, call it an MXT 'Pro' if they wanted, and even price it $50 to $100 mode, but make it better than what it is. Instead, they are giving us a sorts of stripped-down MXT concept detector with more limited versatility. But, who knows? maybe it will work OK? maybe it will satisfy a lot of typical coin hunters? Maybe it is a slick was to set the gameplan to eventually bring out a Matrix M7 which would be an MXT-like model with the three modes, quieter operation (one I wanted addressed) but have Tone ID?
Sorry to ramble. I have my 8" DD and 4