Been waiting for some ground to thaw here in northeast Ohio. Yesterday my south facing front lawn was somewhat unfrozen and took the Vortex for a quick spin. I ran it wide open with no filters in zero mode. Ps, one of the best detectors I have used for quick adjustments. Super easy! I have scoured my lawn with many high end detectors and was hoping for just find anything that was not rusty iron. I found a jeans rivet with a banging signal at 6 inches. The number was 55-56. That was impressive for such a small item. A few minutes later I got a loud , steady 52 signal and was hoping for a nickel. It was a nickel and it was 7 to 8 inches deep. My Legend is the best nickel detector I have ever used and the Vortex banged it as good as the Legend. All in all, a short sample size, but I should be able to get to some of my regular spots in the next couple of weeks. So far, so good!