DavefromCt said:
Today I was detecting and I found a rusty bottle cap that I was sure was a quarter but next time I'll remember to check which frequencies are peaking.
I went out for about an hour today, and I dug half a dozen bottle caps, but I suspected they were bottle caps before I dug them, because they didn't peak on the 2.5 KHz. But at this point I'm still digging them, just to be sure.
I got a solid "penny" hit that turned out to be a copper ground rod for the building's electrical system. I left that one in the ground.
The two that fooled me today were both solid "quarter" hits, both with nice bell graphs, and both with the 2.5 KHz peaked highest. One was a piece of metal rod that I can't identify, and the other was a jar lid of some sort, which was folded in half nearly a foot down. With it folded, it was about an inch wide by 2 inches long, and the V3 gave a very solid signal on it at that depth (and I was in "high trash" mode).
The only "good" find today was a memorial cent. I wish it were something better, but hey, I'll take it. It beats getting skunked.
DavefromCt said:
I was reading a lot of crushed aluminum cans at around 66 vdi today
I found two of those today myself, but they're pretty easy to deal with -- right under the grass, and way too big a signal to be a coin. I pulled them out and put them in the trash bin.
DavefromCt said:
Experience is really an important thing in detecting.
I'd say that's right. I'm trying to resist the temptation to play with the settings too much until I learn it better. I did some more messing with it in air tests last night, but I try to leave it at factory in the field, for now. I can always hit these same sites again (and again, and again...) later once I know more of what I'm doing.
Incidentally, the air tests I did last night were checking recovery speed. The default settings in the coin modes are pretty slow -- I could put a bottle cap and a quarter six or eight inches apart, and it would only hit on one of them, even with a fairly slow sweep speed. If I turned the recovery delay down, or put it in "high trash" mode (which has a faster recovery by default), it would ID them both no problem, even if they were just an inch or two apart. If I put them right next to each other, I'd get an "iffy" signal that would make me think it was a bottle cap -- which it was, though it also had a quarter overlapping it.
I envy the guys that hunt relics and have ground clean enough to "dig everything that isn't iron" without going insane.