usually going to be surprise once we get the final product in-hand.
horikindaguy said:
is it only me or does the grip seem canted too far forward?
The appearance of the grip in the posted photo, to me, looks like it is a somewhat forward cant. It also looks like the grip is wider near the bottom and narrower towards the top, and that is what has me wondering just how comfortable it will feel.
I know that at first when I saw the Nokta FORS CoRe, I
thought it was going to be a heavy and awkward feeling detector with the boxy control housing at the rear, and the grip
appeared to be more forward-canted than I would have thought to be comfortable. Then I got my FORS CoRe assembled and mounted every coil to it to evaluate the feel and balance, leaving me more surprised than I could have imagined. The weight is not an issue as overall it is a lighter weighing detector, and the excellent balance and feel of the detector, especially with a very comfortable handle and grip angle, helped make me move the CoRe, and now my Gold + and Relic, into their favorite spots in my detector arsenal.
horikindaguy said:
The angle the G2 uses works perfectly for me..... canted too far makes the grip painful after a while since the fingers are gripping differently...
Many readers might not know about the different model grips or grip angles, so let me add here that the Teknetics Omega, G22 and newer G2+ use the same grip as used on the Teknetics T2 and Fisher F75. I have owned and used a few T2's, Omegas and G2, and a couple of F75's so I am very familiar with the grip design. Matter of fact I have an as-new Omega V.5 here now I am trying to sell so I just grabbed it to double check the balance and feel, and my thoughts are unchanged.
What are my thoughts? I happen to really like the T2/F75/Omega 8000/G2/G2+ grip configuration and found it to be very comfortable when the Omega 8000 and G2 were in my top three favorite detector battery. Because it was, I went and grabbed the Omega 8000 I have for sale and a Racer [size=small]
(the Racer 2 or Gold Racer, same grip angled 'S' curve)[/size] and,
for me, I still really like that stand-up grip design, but much prefer the Racer 2 & Gold Racer models because they, as a complete package, have a more solid feel about them.
The grip angle or cant isn't a problem for me at all with the racer series, and I am able to actuate all of the buttons and toggles on the control housing without any flex or feeling of design weakness. I had a G2 that fractured at the plastic mounting 'stem' that fitted into the hand-grip when pressing on the side of the control housing. I had another G2 (its replacement or repair 'fix' and two Omega models that I didn't care for as their mounting was just too flimsy and pressing on the left or right touchpads ...
gently enough to just actuate the function ... caused the control housing to flex a great deal.
That concerned me that they, too, could easily break at some point as it isn't a very durable design. The plastic housing is configured with a stem that fits in the hand-grip and is secured [size=small]
(if you can call it that)[/size] with a single small screw through the grip. Accessing that screw to tighten it or remove it requires the tight-fitting foam to be carefully rolled down to access the screw, and quite often I, or others I have spoken with, ended up with a split or tear in the foam. So, while I like the grip angle and feel of those Fisher and Teknetics models mentioned, I didn't care for the flimsy feel and easy breakage of the G2 and Omega models. The Racer 2 and Gold Racer just feel much better to me overall.
horikindaguy said:
...the angle on my R2 is too far forward for example and my hand begins to ache....really uncomfortable after switching from my G2+....
Sorry it doesn't work for you and I wonder if, perhaps, you use the detector with the search coil and rods extended way out in front of you? If so, it might be that such a too-long extension is causing the uncomfortable feeling because I don't get fatigued with my Racer series models. I keep the search coil positioned about 12" to 18" in front of my leading toe, and make controlled side-to-side sweeps that are not long and with a curving arc . Instead, I use a slow and methodical sweep in mainly a straight side-to-side line with about a 30" to 40" sweep length.
Then, too, I usually am hunting with a smaller-than-stock search coil mounted and that, also, can make a difference in the feel of the grip design and grip angle.
Oh, when grabbing the Omega 8000 I did notice one thing I forgot about, and that is the fact that it also has a grip design that is slightly thicker near the bottom of the grip, narrowing somewhat towards the top of the hand-grip. That is what I seem to notice about the photo of the soon to be Nokta Impact so perhaps I shouldn't concern myself about it now and just wait and see how everything feels once I get the whole package in my hands and know how it feels rather than just take a wild guess about it. I was wrong on the Nokta FORS series weight and grip design so I don't plan to just 'guess' anymore.