Hi Dirt,
I had the New E trac pretty much open in the Iron mask mode with a setting of just the lower 1/3 portion blacked out everything else was open. I had read earlier that the Big Silver was disc. out in the coin program but I really wasn't looking for any specific targets (coins, rings, etc.) I was just taken her out for her first live run and wanted to get a feel for anything that made a peep. I went to a place that is very easy to dig and has lots of old deep stuff including lots of iron, few coins, thingamajigs, and whatsits all mixed up. I dug allot of junky targets just to see and hear how the E would respond. I was totally shocked when the black leather pouch came up and it was heavy...knowing the age of the coins I have found there I imagined it could of held a Gold coin before i opened it up. But Hey LUCKY is LUCKY and I was totally syked to have found two Silver dollars. I have found a total of 5 over the years in other places and they are all good stories to tell...one day.
Best of luck to you