I also understood 'no more updates or new coils, etc.'
I personally prefer the 2.77 as it doesn't dumb anything down, and I don't have any issues with "jumpy VDI's."
Dilek clearly explained that a lot of them can be calmed down by reducing the Sensitivity ... as needed ... should you be in an EMI area. Also, a lort of people gripe about inconsistent VDI's, but it is because they are scrubbing their coil or working it too close to the ground, and shallow targets, and that causes issues due to the targets being in too-close a proximity to the EMF. Even the user manuals suggest working search coils ±2" off the dirt, and for good reason.
And as she pointed out, it is because they use a wide-open, broad-range VDI scale and not a cramped VDI range like some brands.
And finally, I know or a fact, and have shown the results and experienced them myself ever since 1971, that Double-D coils, by their design, are not going to discriminate as well or as consistently on repeated side-to-side sweeps as would a comparable-size Concentric coil. Yes, there are some positive things with some makes and models to Double-D coils, but the big marketing trend this past decade or two has frustrated me a little because fewer and fewer manufacturers are making good Concentric coils for their detectors, and one issue that is often not pointed out is the DD's behavior to be a little more inconsistent compared with a Concentric.
Most of the time, depending upon the site being searched, I get decent and acceptable VDI's with my Simplex + w/5X9½ DD coil. Not quite as tight or consistent with the bigger-size, round, 11" stock DD coil. And I am almost always hunting with it at Maximum Sensitivity or reduced by only the one, the highest, segment. Also ll four of my Disc. modes have either NO segments rejected or only the first segment, just to help handle some Iron Nails in a few applications.