Hello All,
It's going to get to -14 degrees F. tonight, so I thought this would be a good time to start planning for some spring hunting.
I'm tring to make a choice between two coils. The 7" concentric or the Clean Sweep coil. <img src="/metal/html/shrug.gif" border=0 width=37 height=15 alt=":shrug">
I have a Silver uMax just purchased last year that I really enjoy. <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
"> I do mostly coin and jewlery hunting inland and salt water beaches during the summer.
If I were to ask Monte, he would probably say the 7" concentric, but I think that he may be partial to that coil. Right Monte? He has helped me in the past and I do appreciate his opinion.
I've been thinking about the Clean Sweep as it would cover more ground quickly, but is the added weight worth it and would it cut down the actual hunting time?
I know someone will probably say to purchase both coils and see which works best, but that's why I'm writing this, so I won't have to buy both.
Is there anyone out there who is using the Silver uMax and what is your favorite coil for it?
Thanks for the help in advance. Happy Hunting !!!
Mat in MA
Go <IMG SRC="/metal/html/tesoro.gif" BORDER=0 width=45 height=18 ALT="t~">
It's going to get to -14 degrees F. tonight, so I thought this would be a good time to start planning for some spring hunting.
I'm tring to make a choice between two coils. The 7" concentric or the Clean Sweep coil. <img src="/metal/html/shrug.gif" border=0 width=37 height=15 alt=":shrug">
I have a Silver uMax just purchased last year that I really enjoy. <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
If I were to ask Monte, he would probably say the 7" concentric, but I think that he may be partial to that coil. Right Monte? He has helped me in the past and I do appreciate his opinion.
I've been thinking about the Clean Sweep as it would cover more ground quickly, but is the added weight worth it and would it cut down the actual hunting time?
I know someone will probably say to purchase both coils and see which works best, but that's why I'm writing this, so I won't have to buy both.
Is there anyone out there who is using the Silver uMax and what is your favorite coil for it?
Thanks for the help in advance. Happy Hunting !!!
Mat in MA
Go <IMG SRC="/metal/html/tesoro.gif" BORDER=0 width=45 height=18 ALT="t~">