Well-known member
I just got notification that my new Treasure Pro with the Geared up package just shipped and should be here by Tuesday. I am really excited about getting back to my Whites roots after owning a F70 for the last few weeks. About 3 years ago, I lost my son and also had some health issues that have sidelined my detecting. I just never could motivate myself to get out and detect so before we moved a year and a half ago, I sold all my detecting stuff. Recently (a couple months ago), I got the urge to detect and picked up a Tesoro Amigo II for real cheap on a garage sale type site. I had a great guy give me a Propointer and a Lesche so I started hunting again. I bought a used F70 with a couple of extra coils but never really found anything deep with it and it just wasn't for me. I called the dealer I bought it from and he was so great to let me send the F70 back and put all the money that I had paid for the F70 towards a new Treasure Pro Package. I have owned the Treasure Pro in the past in it is all the detector I need. I have hunted with Whites machines since I was 18 (I will turn 64 next month) and have owned other brands but always come back to my roots. I can't wait to get my TP and go on a hunt with a detector that I am familiar with and know it's capabilites. I believe that the Treasure Pro is really underestimated by a lot of folks out there that just consider it an entry level machine. It has many features that a lot of advanced detectors do not have and is a joy to use. I got very good depth on coins with my 1st one so I am excited to try it out here and see how it does. I will probably pick up a Detech 6X8 SEF coil for it when I can afford it but will have to use the 10" DD for now. I have used the 6X8 SEF on my old DFX and on a Etrac that I owned and it's a great coil. I was glad to know that they make it for the TP.