Dave, I have no issue at all with your responses to me. I figure we are about the same age, I am 76, and I actually dont hear all that well, so I use hearing aids with the earbuds. Gets louder than hell! We all have opinions and we all should respect each others opinions, as they are exactly that, an opinion. We dont have to agree, but we also dont 'have to voice' our disagreements in a confrontational manner. Many years ago I posted about digging a hole in the woods about 3' across and 2' deep and getting some 90+ coins there! I was pounced upon by some 'elitist' telling me that I had damaged the reputation of all metal detector types by digging a hole in the woods! It was in my OWN freaking woods and I did put the dirt back, but that was not enough for the "I gotta tell this guy" a-hole! With all the crap going on in our country now we got bigger fish to fry.