I'll give you the perspective of a recent newbie. I wanted to find my first detector and was lustful for a bells and whistle machine. I'm a electronic technician, a ham radio operator and collect antique test equipment so as you can imagine, I am a techno geek! I kept teetering on the fence; should I get the Fisher F5 or maybe the AT Pro? I knew about Tesro but passed them up because they looked like beginner machines. Well I finally bought a Vaquero (thanks Mike!) and I'm so glad I did! Mike is correct. It makes you a better detectorist! And when you aquire those skills and armed with that kind of machine? Look out!!
Now I just have to get over my irrational fear of going out searching in public.
I need a hunting buddy. 
Now I just have to get over my irrational fear of going out searching in public.