Hello! Sunday I decided to go back to the same park. I arrived after lunch and decided to try my chance near the kid playground. There were already many kids and their parents using the different swings and play things. I decided to start near the picnic tables near by so the people could get use to my presence before I get closer to the playground. About 100 yards further there were about 2 dozens young men playing a game of volleyball and seemingly having a good time.
After one hour of finding nothing but pull tabs and beer bottle caps, I look up from my search and saw a police patrol car stopping in the playground parking lot. Two policemen got out and started to walk in my direction....I told myself " double darn....That's it...I'm dead meat..." :angry: But to my astonishment, they walked by me and continued toward the 2 dozens young men who were playing volleyball. since I had my earphone all the time,
I did not ear much of what was happening before the cops showed up. I suppose they were too noisy or something and somebody must have called the cops. Anyway, the policemen soon departed without bothering me and the young men after about 30 minutes of talking resumed there game of volleyball. They were plunging and lunging in the sand of the volleyball field. I took a note to go and metal detect that field another time.
As I got closer to the playground, At one point I noticed a young boy of about 8 years old staring at me. I removed my earphones and unplugged them from my detector so the kid could ear it beeping. That perk up his interest and I started to show him how the machine was working and digging out the signal. In no time I had about 6 kids around me.
All between 5 and 8 years old. There were all eager to learn and eager to help me digging and locate the target with my Pro-pointer. They were amazed at how all those bottle caps and pull tabs could find there way under 4 to 5 inches of dirt. I enjoyed the experience very much. Not having kids of my own and being at an age to be a grandfather. I enjoy talking to them and teaching them the importance of trowing their bottle caps and trash in the garbage can and not littering the ground. I showed them it was important to cover all the holes "we" were making so nothing showed up and to keep the environment clean. I told them metal detecting was like unwrapping your gift at Christmas. It is always a surprise as you do not know what you are going to get...
In the corner of my eyes, I could see the parents gravitating near by and seemingly enjoying the show and the interest of the kids. At one point I dug out a penny. All the kids went Oh! and Ah! I gave it to the youngest kid telling her this was a very special treasure...This made her day and she ran to show it to her mother. After one hour of this I was drained and I went home. I did not found much. But it was a nice experience.
After one hour of finding nothing but pull tabs and beer bottle caps, I look up from my search and saw a police patrol car stopping in the playground parking lot. Two policemen got out and started to walk in my direction....I told myself " double darn....That's it...I'm dead meat..." :angry: But to my astonishment, they walked by me and continued toward the 2 dozens young men who were playing volleyball. since I had my earphone all the time,

As I got closer to the playground, At one point I noticed a young boy of about 8 years old staring at me. I removed my earphones and unplugged them from my detector so the kid could ear it beeping. That perk up his interest and I started to show him how the machine was working and digging out the signal. In no time I had about 6 kids around me.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see the parents gravitating near by and seemingly enjoying the show and the interest of the kids. At one point I dug out a penny. All the kids went Oh! and Ah! I gave it to the youngest kid telling her this was a very special treasure...This made her day and she ran to show it to her mother. After one hour of this I was drained and I went home. I did not found much. But it was a nice experience.