About 24 years ago I had a Technatics. It was the first Technatics company and wasn't owned by BH. It was an early motion discriminator VLF type detector. The coil had to be swung at break neck speed. It had some advantages over the more common non motion VLF detectors of the day. I finally swung it to pieces:sad: and didn't get another MD until 5 months ago.
When I had the old Technatics the Little Rock Zoo decided to drain and clean out the old duck pond. It hadn't been cleaned out sense the 1800s. I didn't find out about it until I read in the news paper that the pond had been drained and that metal detectorist had found all these neat coins and stuff.
I was bummed out because I missed out on it.
One day I noticed a big pile of stuff and asked what it was. An employee told me that that was the sludge from the bottom of the duck pond.
When I had the old Technatics the Little Rock Zoo decided to drain and clean out the old duck pond. It hadn't been cleaned out sense the 1800s. I didn't find out about it until I read in the news paper that the pond had been drained and that metal detectorist had found all these neat coins and stuff.

One day I noticed a big pile of stuff and asked what it was. An employee told me that that was the sludge from the bottom of the duck pond.