Well time for some updates to my review now that I'm 3 sets of batteries in...
Saltwater beach: I hit a few beaches this weekend and the AT is very chattery on our beaches in NJ, Having to GB everytime you move from dry to wet to saturated sand is a pain when you do a wide W pattern like I do. Seems like it will be a nice fast recovery dry sander but will not replace my Sovereign in the wet. Passed through an area with the AT and received no signals, got the Sov out of the car and went through the same area and dug over 100 targets including a 14K ring and 2 silver dimes all at depths ranging from 6" to 18". Most signals were just whispers on the Sovereign and were all greenies really really deep. The AT didn't sound off on any. The AT hit a quarter at 12" in the dry but couldn't manage past 6" in the wet, could just be our beaches + only having a single frequency.
Freshwater lake: Spent 4 hours in the water at a local lake, cedar water, high acidity. Balanced around a 45 and off I went. Conditions were ideal with hardpan showing in most of the lake, nabbed $4 in clad but no jewelry to be found. Only dug a handful of trash, pulltabs and crown caps, but I knew they were crown caps before scooping em. The AT really shines in IDing crown caps, screw caps, and zinc pennies. I found pinpointing on land to be easy, but pinpointing in the murky water a real pain with most recoveries taking 3-5 scoops and constantly pushing my targets around. After a while I switched to toe edge PP and it helped knocking recovery to 1-2 scoops. I place my right toes just to the back right corner of the coil and set scoop beside my heel and scoop forward.
Local park: Spent an hour or 2 in the park just digging anything to get used to tones hoping to nab gold. Found a very tiny pair of silver hearst on a silver chain (2 grams) at 4" with a very very clear and stable 80 VDI. Canslaw is easy to ID at this point with most average pieces hitting 48-60 with a scratchy entry and exit from the signal. Pulltabs hit very solid tone wise and VDI around 59-61. Nickels hit hard and smooth at a 53-55. I now am pretty sure I'll recognize gold when I hear it, should be smooth and even tone with a fairly stable VDI like nickels.
The modulation of this unit is a bit lopsided it seems, with most signals in the 1-8" range all very strong but after 8" it drops sharp and at 10"+ its very hard to distinguish target tones as they tend to bounce a lot. I dug a memorial at 9" today that bounced both in tone and VDI from 53 to 78, with a very very faint signal. However it hit a brass lantern head about the size of a Morgan dollar with a solid smooth tone at 18", go figure...
My PP button has already begun to stick... anyone else having this issue?? It's quite frustrating especially in the water. I'm loathing having to send it out and might just stick with it till after summer.
Iron audio still never ceases to amaze me, I truly love it and it is quite possibly my favorite feature on any detector thus far. I love that machine gun iron tone and this thing surely speaks through it when you hit a non ferrous target.
The Gizmo is a nice addition, definitely helps with the ergonomics. The AT still feels nose heavy though and I may add a counterbalance weight to the back of the Gizmo.
I'm very very impressed with battery life!! A set seems to last around 40 hours which is just awesome.
Well I will keep you all posted with more updates!! Thanks for reading!!