
,I appreciate that. The AF is where I got my dose of agent orange from in the central highlands of Nam. I spent 9 years in the AF from Jan. 61 thru Jan 70. Spent almost 6 months w/the Armys GB's.
Glad to have you aboard. I do believe that you will really have a good time with your MXT/ or the MXT Pro. They are both excellent machines. If you can get the Jeff Fishers MXT book and read thru it a few times it reallly helps to understand the MXT a lot better. If you can afford it get yourself a DX-1
pinpointer, (it weighs hardly anything) . and you'll not lose it as a lot of people have with the hand held. I was very lucky with my MXT, 20 min's after I got it set up on the presets I walked toward the backyard of my home and picked up a 6 nickel cache from a hole no bigger than 4 in in dia. and 6 to 7 in. down, 2 swings later
using my

950 coil I also found 1 quarter 6 to 7 inches down. I've found over $900.00 + at our sports complex over the last 3 years.
And as they say "If I can do it anyone can" I wish you lots of good luck and lots of silver. I'm now saving all my clad for a trip to LA. to a wedding in May and to meet up with (EJ) CCH we're going to hunt a little together. One thing, you not only have picked the best machine (IMHO), but the best forum on the net. These guys and gals are the best with a little humor and a little seriousness too. Our monitors, Larry/Nancy of IL. are the best and they can help you
out with most anything. A lot of others also, too many to name, so just ask and you will get a lot of good answers. So lets hear from you on your finds and
any questions you have. HH KC aka

MXT/MXT Pro, 2 DX-1's
lotsa coils