made it back to the little patch that used to be a carnival grounds but was bulldozed for convinience store. the area had been pounded heavily by many detectors. i bumped into the guy that owned it and asked permission and he said to go ahead. i posted earlier on my finds with the super 12, 5.3 well i went back with 10dd for an hr. to date this is what ive got. 43 wheaties from 1911 t0 53,, 2 walkers 1941,s 4 r0sies ,2 1957 ,1 1950 ,1 1953, 2mercs 41,45 , 1 smashed silver ring. ive been hitting alot of hard hit areas with the v3i and was beginning to wonder what had to be done to find silver.. like they say on the boards i guess ya gotta just get over some.. thanks to all the info from the good guys on these forums . aint nothin i like more than seeing silver when it comes outta the dirt. other than GOLD. last nite at another 10x 10 patch i picked up a 1964 kennedy half.. thats why i love this hobby you never know what can be found and where. thanks everybody for all the help.and 53 quarter