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Well I haven't been out much this year due to loosing about 80% of my sites to careless newbee yuppies and there *^%$ shovel's! Anyway's There is a little park 1 mile from my home not that old ,But maybe newer silver as I never hunted before as I use to have older site's not anymore. So I figure I can stop and get my fix for the week. It was hot and muggy so I didn't stay long as all the clad was deep over 8'' it must have been filled. I start to leave get about 20 feet from my car and here come's a cop. I thought here we go. He said they have a complaint about me digging hole's. I showed him my ''small hand trowel'' and probe and bandana I use to''back fill'' my plug's. After he saw this he was cool and said just be sure to fill my hole's. I told him I most likely won't be back as nothing old. He left and said have a good day. Even though it ended well I was shocked someone would call the cop's as I saw no one the whole time I was out there? What happened to are hobby? I remember 15 years ago people would come up and ask what you found and say have a nice day. Now you got busy body's calling the cop's or giving you dirty look's? I said it before and I say it again this hobby is not for long so enjoy while you can!