Digger said:
Wow! Those are some serious comments and accusations, coming from someone who has ZERO personal experience with Minelab Customer Service.
Although I do happen to have Administrator privileges on this forum and served as Field Tester for the CTX 3030, I speak only for myself, not Findmall or Minelab. I am not here to defend Minelab's Customer Service Department.
But considering that you have admittedly never contacted Minelab for service, I have to question what would compel you to make these comments? Especially under the guise of truth, integrity and honesty.
Those who have had a problem with Minelab Customer Service have every opportunity to post their comments. Some have, and others have not. But for you to state that those who have expressed positive comments are somehow "whitewashing" the topic tells me that you have less experience managing people than you would like us to believe. Well, I shouldn't suggest you don't have experience. But I will add that experience is not synonymous with being well versed or accomplished.
As someone who spent their entire career directly interfacing with customers, both on the technical side and managerial side, I am confident that telling one of our customers (who had a great experience with our Customer Service Department) that they were "whitewashing the topic" would, in itself, have been poor customer service. Not to mention demeaning to the customer. Your statement that those who have posted positive comments toward Minelab's Customer Service are "drinking the corporate Kool-Aid and have their heads in the sand" is very disrespectful to those who have given their honest opinions. Who let you decide that negative opinions are the only ones that have substance? And your statement that it "appears to be part of their training or Corporate culture to call or infer a customer is a liar" is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard.
Making such a statement about a customer service organization that you've never personally dealt with doesn't bode well for your honesty or your integrity.
Randy, this is not my first rodeo, thus do I have the time and patience to compare resumes (to what end I have no clue) although I will admit my current role is a sidestep in my career arc. What I will say is your claim that you have "no dog in this fight" is false right from the start, as you make the statement and then spend the balance of your post refuting it! "I am not here to defend Minelab's Customer Service Department" yet you clearly are, not to mention your reaction says a great deal. I find that tactic absurd and your baiting me with a personal attack laughable. I don't really care what you think of me, or my experience. It is what it is, and so long as you are not part of my executive management team your opinion of me has no value or merit. But I do have one request, please be consistent and logical. I tried to make my post easy enough to follow for the average reader as well as the experienced. Most got it, others did not.
I find it strange you place little or no value in the customers that complain, but place a great deal of faith in those that share positive interactions. Dwell on that a bit, and you may have a better understanding of why I have used terms like "whitewash" and drinking the corporate Koolade. Where is the objectivity?
"ZERO personal experience" Where do I begin with that? I could talk about minefields or possibly jumping off a cliff, but I'll leave those alone. I think everyone reading this is clear that it is possible to learn outside of personal experience. Yet in your opinion JD Power, the BBB, Consumer Reports, et al should all close their doors because their feedback has no value in your less than humble opinion. Personal and first hand experience should rule the day and all other feedback is heresay. Sounds like the reasoning of a Law Professor or a Lawyer. Customer feedback in the form of surveys, interviews, reports, and polling are all worthless because they did not happen to you - thus they should be ignored. In response to your inquiry all I will say is I did my homework prior to purchasing me CTX (as I do with most purchases) and ML support was a show stopper in my case for nearly 6 months. I am happy to admit I am a technology early adopter and have been a tester for many of the IT products I am sure you have used going all the way back to DOS 6.22 and magnetic storage products. In those cases the equipment was free for testing and there was no support expectation since it was a test. As a consumer I do not have the same expectation and there is sufficient proof to be concerned, although Minelab (or any company for that matter) does not publicly release internal measurement data and reports when it comes to their support challenges. It is no secret within the dealer and distributor community that ML has challenges is this area. So my "opinion" has less to do with speculation, and more to do with fact.
As I have mentioned before, your personal experience is far from the norm because you are not a normal user. And if you think their call management and issue tracking system does not call that to the attention of the support analysts I have news for you, it does. I would be very surprised if it did not promote you in queue groups to a high priority status. If you are not aware of this your understanding is not as complete as you seem to think.
It is good you hear that people are free to post their experiences here - good or bad. I will keep that in mind the next time I get a PM from someone warning me "not to go there." It seems their personal experience is out of sync with your own. But that is just my observation and I know you place no weight on that in any case. Those that claim things are wonderful when they know they are not should be moved by my criticism. Those that had positive impressions with no other influence should not feel anything, because those terms do not apply to them. You have to have done something to be "called out" or feel guilty over a comment. So how you arrive at your conclusions as to my inference is puzzling at best and troubling at worst.
As far as the rest of that garbage is concerned, well I'll let those cheap shots stand on their own merit. I will say, you might want to reflect on what was stated because you do not have the standing or background to make the evaluations that you think you have.