I'm a firm believer in "never say never". But establishing and maintaining digital communication between the microprocessor and a microchip in smart coil technology (CTX 3030 or X-TERRA) is far different than switching Xmt and Rcv pairs from one coil to another (probe being basically a small coil) with an external mounted toggle switch and a stack of contacts. Especially if you want to retain the waterproof capabilities, as in the case of the CTX.
To make it physically happen, you would have to disconnect the communication link between the coil and the CTX, connect a digital link between the probe and the CTX, then the microprocessor in the CTX would have to establish a new communication link with the probe. The probe would then have to establish its operational parameters, based on the information provided to, and received from, the microprocessor in the CTX. Once the parameters were established, the probe would become a small coil.
When you were done using the probe and wanted to switch back to the CTX coil, you would have to physically disconnect the communication link between the probe and the CTX , reestablish the digital communication link between the coil and the CTX, allow the CTX and coil to synchronize and reestablish new operational parameters, based on the information traded back and forth between the microprocessor in the CTX and the microchip in the coil. Once the links were established and parameters set, the coil would be ready for use. How long would this process of activating and deactivating an inline probe take?
As far as making a wireless probe... again, I never say never. But don't lose sight of the fact that only the audio circuit is wireless in the CTX. The coil requires a hardwired digital link. JMHO HH Randy