I was looking for the red minus could not see . Aside from that there's still a target on the non-ferrous line . So how is one going to determine if we have a good target with a bad as opposed a falsing nail giving a high and low .
I know you can get rid of most nail falsing by messaging the target coil angle and so on . That's why this looks similar to the ctx but the ctx would have done better ID wise with the bent nail .
Don't get me wrong I see a lot of promise in this machine audio speed and all the different search modes I lived with falsing with all machines I have had in the last 53 years nothing new then again I don't have the manticore yet I may be talking out of my #ss as far as I know .sube
I agree. No manual and only some air test videos is a hard sale though.
Maybe I haven’t seen them but the manufacturer down to the testers just show some videos of, well here it is, isn’t it pretty, lights up really nice at night and air tests nice with some good tones.
Is there any with,ok here is the 800 over a target in the ground and here is the core, or here is the core picking up a target and now the 800 over the same target. Any actual real life testing and comparison videos, not with another brand but show how it’s better than its predecessor.
I don’t think its too much to ask for if you want that much more for it.
Sell me on the product’s performance being better not just cosmetics and some bells and whistles.
As for alot of things like tones and stuff could have been overhauled in a software update. Similar to a new operating system on your phone, computer but then again they rather sell a whole new unit I imagine.
What good is a updatable system if you can’t incorporate those features into what you already have.
Have to split up what is software improvements and what is hardware.
You can throw a new shaft, headset, some decals on your 800 as well but if the screen is the same i wonder if they could just have done a new software update with the 2D feature on the 800.
Is the 2d a hardware upgrade as well as software. I don’t know. Could they have just did a control box upgrade if all else is the same as a cost saving option.
Many ways to skin a cat as they say.
They were creative in for example the Xterra no need to buy a whole new detector just swap out the coil and you have different detectors. Same principle could have came up with different control boxes to swap out and keep your shafts and coils
would probably been a good option to give people who couldn’t necessarily afford a whole new unit and keep the product line going.
Milwaukee, Dewalt and other companies took that approach with selling batteries and made it hard to switch to the competitor.