Leroy, unfortunately, we don't have any metal detector dealers in this area, that I know of. I did visit Kellyco in Orlando when I went to pick up my son at the university for winter break. By that time, though, I had already made my purchase. Thank you for your suggestion, though!
Sailor, I agree with you and that's exactly what I did/am doing! Thank you for your suggestion!
Gunnar, thank you for your vote of confidence in my abilities! Fortunately, I haven't had any problems with my MD, but my family and I sure am having lots of fun with it!
Martin, I decided to go "all in" and I don't regret my decision to do so. Part of the fun of metal detecting, as I've come to find out, is understanding the machine and what it's telling me. It's like a challenge that I have accepted and am going to conquer, no matter what. The first day I had the MD, I went to the park and I was overwhelmed with what I was hearing and seeing. For a split second, I thought that I might have made a mistake. Then, I remember all of the seasoned veterans on the forums giving advice to newbies like myself saying to stick with it, put in the hours and keep practicing. Well, I haven't put in the hours that I had hoped for, but I have still come a long way from that first day. Again, I'm very glad that I stuck with it because it has introduced another avenue for me to be able to spend quality time with my family. Thank you for your advice!
Nirros, keep crossing all of those things that you've wanted to do off of your list! Life is much too short and you have to make time to have some fun. If I didn't force myself to do the things that I do, I would literally be working and sleeping every single day, with no time to spend on myself or my family. As I've gotten older, I've realized that certain things can wait. Now that I've learned this, it's amazing how much more time I've been able to find to stop and smell the roses. By the way, enjoy your AT Pro! I have read nothing but good things about that unit. In fact, my brother-in-law is now searching for a MD and that is the one that I recommended to him. I had hoped that he would've picked up a CTX, but it's not in the cards for him right now. Either way, I would love nothing more than for him to get a MD because then I'd have a hunting buddy!

All the best to you!
George, enjoy your Sovereign and thank you for your advice!
Edjcox, I love detecting! As I've come to find out, it's not always about the find. For me, it's more about the thrill of the hunt. Thank you for posting!
GoldHunter, I decided to get the CTX, after all. I am very happy with my decision. It's hard for me to say much more because I have never held any other detector in my hands. In my opinion, the CTX is light, well built and relatively easy to navigate and understand. Once you use it a few times, accessing the menu options and understanding all of the buttons' functions becomes second nature. By the way, enjoy your Safari!
RedRock, I would like to thank you, too, for your vote of confidence in my abilities!

I did take your advice and started with the basic programs. After, I played around in XChange 2 and learned how to manipulate my own programs. I also downloaded Evan's programs (GoneHunting) and put them to use in different scenarios. I believe that I have a pretty good grasp on the unit now, but still have a whole lot to learn. Thank you for your advice!
DirtAngler, thank you for your advice! I appreciate your time.
Neil, I was thinking along the same lines of what you posted. I didn't want to regret anything on my first venture into metal detecting. I wanted a machine that would allow me to go wherever I wanted to go, whether it be land or sea. Heck, I was even worrying about detecting on land and having to stop because of a rain storm. Now, I don't have to worry about these types of things. Thank you for your suggestions! They are greatly appreciated!
Damper, enjoy your 350! I agree with Neil, as well. You really can't go wrong with most detectors out there today. Grab one, get out there and swing! The idea is to enjoy yourself. When you locate and dig up your first coin, there's no better feeling. My first coin was a 1989 clad dime that I found at the park next to where I live. Seeing that dirty, round edge sticking halfway out of the plug that you just dug is AWESOME! Being able to guess what's in the ground before you dig it up is even more fun! Watching your children's eyes get as big as a clad dollar because you just pulled out a clad dollar out of the sand at the beach is PRICELESS!!! I can't wait to see what it feels like if/when I find a ring or a piece of jewelry. I can guarantee you that I will do a happy dance!