Mirco said:TreasurdiggrNY said:Hey Mirco,
I know 2 parks were removed from the list. When I got the notice about the 2 parks I emailed every NYC Council Member in the 5 Boros and the Parks Dept. Commissioner in an effort to get them back, what did you do?.
I encouraged many others to do the same, some have, some say you can't fight the system. I doubt Owl's Head Park will ever be allowed. I met with the Parks Dept. Director at Owl's Head Park to discuss the problems they're having there, I can see why it's off the list, can you?
Prospect Park is the other park, I am drafting a letter to go out to the attorney I spoke to who represents the 5 NYC Council Members who make up the Committee on Parks and Recreation as well as the Parks Commissioner. I feel we have a better chance with maybe having the park put back on the list, do you know why? I didn't think so.
Instead of caring or doing anything about the laws above I'm guessing you just want to know what the penalty is if you get caught by the brave police doing a quick 20 minute hunt at either of these locations right? That's what I thought.
Good Luck,
Just spoke to a lawyer. The answer was - "As long as an activity (MDing) is not included in the publicly displayed list of activities that are prohibited in a beach or park by all legal norms this activity (MDing) is considered NOT PROHIBITED. Period. And any charge, fine, ticket or any other punishment will be successfully challenged in the Court."
So, your advice was intentionally misleading, Sir.
Keep on doing smart things. Good luck.
So I'm guessing that in the future when ALL the NYC Parks have these publicly displayed signs prohibiting the use of metal detectors we can thank you and your lawyer.
Have to go now, I'm going down to the local tot lot and practice shooting my rifle and writing my name in urine, there is no publicly displayed sign prohibiting these activities so if I get a ticket I'll be in touch to get you're lawyers number, wish me luck
