I read something about this in the last week, but I can't remember where, that the "test" is more gimmick than fact. It had to do with if the coin was on top of our behind the iron when facing the coil, and how the detector could be set to just knock out iron but putting a big plate of iron in front of it with a coin behind the plate would still set the detector off like it could see the completely and utterly hidden coin. However, the reason it sounded off was because of the increase of mass pushing the signal out of the discriminated range.
Just telling you what I remember. All I know is that if a detector signals off on a 4" square plate of iron with a coin behind it, it is NOT really seeing the coin, something else is going on. Wishful thinking does not take the place of common sense.
Just telling you what I remember. All I know is that if a detector signals off on a 4" square plate of iron with a coin behind it, it is NOT really seeing the coin, something else is going on. Wishful thinking does not take the place of common sense.