to happen, the feeding frenzy of metal detecting everyday is replaced by job changes, rising kids, moving across the country and starting a new life, going to collage, the pains of getting older, lay offs, kids sports programs, daughter's art classes and so on and so on.
Right now many folks are either to busy with family or just trying to make a living to be out hunting every day, as much as they would like to be out hunting every day the home life comes first as it should. But most of these people do try and get out when they can and most post about it when they do, it's not like the old days when we all could hunt at will, now those little ones are growing up and demand more time and the new job does also or that second job, it's all about growing as each year passes by.
This forum has lost some folks because they just stop hunting and moved onto other things, this forum has lost some folks because of the none detecting post and feel we should be only about detecting, to that I say hog wash!
This forum states what it is in it's name at the top of the forum, The Friends and Finds Forum, to share finds and discuss things around the dinner table, if you look around the web most detecting forums are short for finds and the rest of the time it's just questions and answers about machines which is great but there are only so many questions you can ask before it gets boring and turns into a tech forum which is great if thats what I am looking for but I'm not
Yup, we have slowed down abit for finds but most forums have, our forum is no different but we still have that other thing to pick us up when the finds are slim, the friends in (The friends and Finds Forum)
For me, I have gotten a lot of joy outa this forum, watched many of your kids grow up

Don's young boys, Craigs son Cory and Vernons girls to name a few, met and hunted with many on this forum, even a few who don't post any more :sad: but I will always remember and call friend.
For me this is home, makes no difference if there are 100 posters or 10, this forum works for me because I always know I will run into a friendly face that I know
I will tell you one thing that ticks me off though, folks that only post finds but won't take the time to say thank you to the replys even in just one thank you reply to their post or other posters finds down the forum

They only care about their once a month post but show total BS to the rest of the forum, I've had enough of that crap and I'm done with it
This forum will live, maybe slower but will live because the core of the people on this forum wouldn't have it any other way
General Ray