xyvolsfanyx said:i didn't COMPARE anything (in this instance the caps draw attention to the correctly spelled word) i said if i was going to be more than a hour i was taking one of those machines according to your own signature you don't even have a ace, f4, or a v3 so at this point i have to ask why do you even care? by the way both the ace and the f4 weigh in the 2 lb range as far as cap lock on who really cares it doesn't mean anything except nice big letters when i print i use caps because i like them see the post about shortening the shaft and having the arm straight is helpful in fact i am going to try that maybe i am not adjusted correctly because i like the coil out in front of me but to the bottom line if i do descide to keep,sell, trade, give away, take it apart and drill holes in it it is all good because there are hundrends of detectors and i am sure there is one that is perfect for me and my style
All capital letters in a post in any forum is classed as shouting