I guess you might want to change your 'handle' if you prefer NOT to find a lot of trash.

Of course Trashignorer wouldn't be so good either as it would suggest you would be using a lot of Discrimination and over-relying on visual TID to try and not dig any junk.
Trashfinder said:
I am getting ate up with screw caps , can slaw and such. All kinds of non ferrous junk coming up in the mid 80's to low 90's.
A couple of comments here, and to start with, most screw caps, can slaw and other aluminum-based junk is going to have a higher-conductive range read-out with any detector. Higher-conductive scrap metal tends to run in the 70's to low '90s, and the only way to
try and classify it as a non-coin type target is to isolate it with a methodical sweep and check for how solid the response repeats compared to a more jumpy or random response for some odd-sizes or shaped objects.
The Racer 2 is my main-use detector for urban Coin Hunting where bottle caps, screw caps, pull tabs and can slaw container remnants seems to abound in and around picnic areas, etc. I don't dig it all, but I will dig my share just because I am after good targets and realize I am hunting a location that typically has a lot of higher-conductive junk that can mimic desired coins and such. I also know that if hunting a site that has a surplus of that type of trash annoys me, there are plenty of places to go where there is little, if any, 'can slaw,' and a notable reduction in screw caps, bottle caps and similar trash.
Site location is the key to how much junk we deal with and the type/conductivity of junk encountered.