prairieboy said:Foiled, did you try taking the coil cover off and then resetting the machine to see if the coil cover is causing your issue?
I took the coil cover off and found what looked to be fine metal shavings bunched up like you would find on a magnet you had drug through dirt, I don't know how they got in there because I've never had it in dirt, just on lawns for a little bit .
I didn't reset it, don't know how but I took it out again tonight in the same park in the same spot where it was giving me so much trouble the first time, it behaved this time for some reason, I had the gain at 80 in two tone mode and it was very well behaved!
I was digging can slaw at about a foot deep, kinda knew what it would be because the numbers were erratic, found two clad quarters at about 8 inches a dime about 5 inches and a zinc penny, I had to leave because there were about 8 little kids following me around with ten billion questions.