sprchng --
LOL! I hear you. I tend to "overcomplicated" things. One of my nicknames, given to me by a friend in college, was "hard-way!"
OCD has something to do with it! With that said, the cheap/easy PVC DIY options several of you have shown here are still "on the table" for me. I'd prefer something that strikes a happy medium between "inexpensive" and "looks like the original," but not sure yet if it can be done. If not, I'll opt for the "inexpensive."
But, I want to exhaust my options of building these from carbon fiber, first. If I can secure all the parts/materials needed, for $40-ish per rod, I'm making some.
stephenscool --
Have to disagree with you on the price of the rods. NO WAY should they cost that much. The more I dig into this, the more I'm finding that $20-ish will get ME (a nobody, low-volume buyer) a carbon-fiber rod, and that's buying only one or two. A big company, making a bulk order of 100 or 1000 at a time, and who knows the ins and outs of sourcing materials, etc. I bet they are getting them for $5 or so. Then, that lower piece is simply plastic, and again, sending a "plan" or "prototype" to a place that can produce/fabricate them would likely be do-able for a cost of only a few dollars a pop, at most. I bet those rods don't have more than $15 worth of materials AT MOST in them (the price the companies are paying for them). It's absolutely ridiculous that Minelab's list price on them is like $228!! I have never seen one new, advertised for less than $175. NO WAY is that reasonable, IMO. You can buy a brand-new low-end detector for the cost of ONE LOWER ROD? LOL!
Minelab doesn't seem to understand how many of these they'd sell, if they priced them appropriately. I hunt with several guys who own CTXs. I can think of 4 of us CTX guys, off the top of my head, that ALSO have extra coils for them -- so that's five, including myself. Do you know how many of us have even ONE extra rod? NONE of us. MEANWHILE, all of these same guys, plus several others I hunt with, have, or had, Explorers/E-Tracs, and we all have/had extra coils for those units. You know how many of us had extra rods for the Explorers and E-Tracs? ALL of us. Hmm...what's that tell you? Tells me, if lower rods are priced at around $50 or so (which is what lower rods for Explorers and E-Tracs USED to cost, before Minelab raised their prices across the board a few years back), then MANY people will buy them; but price them at $175, and VERY FEW will buy them. Minelab is, in my opinion, missing the boat here, but that's just me.
ANYWAY, I have been able to source the rods, at whatever custom diameter I want, for $23.88 plus shipping. And that's just my first try, first company, pricing-wise. The dilemma right now is simply that lower piece, where the coil attaches. I'm working on it. If I can source that piece, one way or another, then after that it's nothing but gluing/epoxying, and cutting the tubes to size. I'm buying a digital caliper tomorrow, so I can be sure on the outside diameter of the stock rods, before I go any further...