Steve missouri
New member
Kevin: Some reason's why the detector you want have not been built, or are not availiable to the public- Detectors operate by sending radio wave type of signals into the ground which react with metals and return a signal which can be detected with the coil,because these signals fall into the radio wave catagory the FCC restricts the amount of power a Detector may transmit. The companies that make the detectors have to follow these rules on power output. Also the ground its self acts as an insulator, espically highly mineralized ground, the deeper the detector tries to go, the greater the insulation, a case of diminishing returns, with the knowledge we have about detectors today. Do Caches exist, of course they do, there are thousands of them, most are small, a few are large, some have been found, some are found every year. Every war fought in this nation has created some Caches, from the French and Indian wars clear up to the early ninteen hundreds when Teddy Rosevelt ran Pancho Via back to Mexico. The Civil war left a very large amt. of Caches, many have not been recovered, also true of the Revolutionary War. A large amount of small caches of Gold coins went under ground in 1932, when President Franklin Rosevelt, passed a law making it illegal for American citizens to own Gold coins, and required that they turn the coins in for printed paper money. This law was repealed in 1974, 42 years later, many of these remain where they were buried, many thousands of small Caches, were also put away by farmers and their wifes, these were rainy day caches, for hard times, many of these remain unfound. This is not to mention the caches from roberies,etc., some of which have been found. Pirate treasures do exist in this country, however most are buried on Islands out in the oceans. There are also many tales of treasure that are written about in books and Magazines that do not exist or have been found, people who find them are usually unlikely to tell anyone about them. The average decetorist like you would love to find one, most do not, or possibly may find one or two small ones, over a period of 35-40 years that he or she detects. Most Authors would have you believe that Caches are easy to find, they are not, if they were the Authors would not be writing and selling books for income, they would go get the treasures, instead of writing about them. The Hobby detectorist over a lifetime of hunting will find enough coins, and Jewelry, in most cases to fill one or two Pirate Chests full, one or two coins at a time, with luck and good research, many of them might be silver, some could be gold, possibly a small cache might might be found, Silver or Gold bars are very unlikely to be found, except by a very few hunters, who work hard at it and are very Luckey. I have tried to present you with a realistic picture of treasure hunting, I wish you the best of luck, and hope you are one who is succesful HH Steve.