I was able to spread a little Christmas (and birthday) cheer recently. What a JOY it was for me to find the owner of the ring I found back in May of this year (2012)! Some of you on the E-TRAC forum may remember the 18k Gold Indian Chief Ring that I found in a local park with my week old Minelab E-TRAC. If not you can read about it here: Gold Indian Chief Ring
A few days ago, I was visiting a local auto repair shop. Several months before, I had mentioned to some of the guys working there how much I enjoy metal detecting (my Teknetics Delta 4000 was in the truck) and that from time to time I make some exciting finds. Perhaps the best of those finds was the Indian Chief ring. Although tempted many times to sell the ring, because it was so beautiful and fit my pinky perfectly, I'm glad I never did. It also provided some bragging rights around others who share this great hobby.
When I arrived at the shop, one of the mechanics hollered, "I think I may have found the original owner of that ring!" "You?", I joked. "No!" he replied, and began telling me how he was with a friend, Mando a few weeks before and had mentioned how someone he knew finds cool stuff with his metal detector. Mando asked him if he ever finds rings. "Yep!" "Did he ever find a gold Indian ring?" ..." in #$%^ park?"
The short of the story: I had the mechanic get him on the phone and I introduced myself. Mando answered all my questions perfectly including the very spot in the park where he lost the ring. (I had never told anybody the exact spot I found it). He said his father (now deceased) had had it made custom by a man who lived in our town ages ago. Years later, it was given to Mando.
Because people sometimes sleigh ride in the area where I found it, I had guessed it fell off a cold finger during the winter. Mando said, "Actually, I lost it on a hot summer day while throwing bottles at the bottles he and his friends were tossing in the air." (the crazy stuff you do when you're young - he turns 51 today). "I spent the rest of that day searching for it and came back the next to search for it again." "I finally gave up and was heartbroken - never thinking I would ever see it again!"
After I arrived at his house, going in, ring in my pocket, I was surprised when Mando showed me the tattoo (lndian Chief) he had gotten so many years before - just a few days after he lost the ring. He explained that he had it done because the ring had meant so much to him. His wife and daughter were overjoyed as well and we all agreed it was a miracle that after twenty years, the old, gold Indian Chief, finally made it back home.
And to all of you who have the ability to do some good deed this Christmas, Take it from someone who knows...
It's the Best Feeling In The World!
The End.:clsoedeyes:
Rob Mickatavge "MickTwin"
A few days ago, I was visiting a local auto repair shop. Several months before, I had mentioned to some of the guys working there how much I enjoy metal detecting (my Teknetics Delta 4000 was in the truck) and that from time to time I make some exciting finds. Perhaps the best of those finds was the Indian Chief ring. Although tempted many times to sell the ring, because it was so beautiful and fit my pinky perfectly, I'm glad I never did. It also provided some bragging rights around others who share this great hobby.
When I arrived at the shop, one of the mechanics hollered, "I think I may have found the original owner of that ring!" "You?", I joked. "No!" he replied, and began telling me how he was with a friend, Mando a few weeks before and had mentioned how someone he knew finds cool stuff with his metal detector. Mando asked him if he ever finds rings. "Yep!" "Did he ever find a gold Indian ring?" ..." in #$%^ park?"
The short of the story: I had the mechanic get him on the phone and I introduced myself. Mando answered all my questions perfectly including the very spot in the park where he lost the ring. (I had never told anybody the exact spot I found it). He said his father (now deceased) had had it made custom by a man who lived in our town ages ago. Years later, it was given to Mando.
Because people sometimes sleigh ride in the area where I found it, I had guessed it fell off a cold finger during the winter. Mando said, "Actually, I lost it on a hot summer day while throwing bottles at the bottles he and his friends were tossing in the air." (the crazy stuff you do when you're young - he turns 51 today). "I spent the rest of that day searching for it and came back the next to search for it again." "I finally gave up and was heartbroken - never thinking I would ever see it again!"
After I arrived at his house, going in, ring in my pocket, I was surprised when Mando showed me the tattoo (lndian Chief) he had gotten so many years before - just a few days after he lost the ring. He explained that he had it done because the ring had meant so much to him. His wife and daughter were overjoyed as well and we all agreed it was a miracle that after twenty years, the old, gold Indian Chief, finally made it back home.
And to all of you who have the ability to do some good deed this Christmas, Take it from someone who knows...
It's the Best Feeling In The World!
The End.:clsoedeyes:
Rob Mickatavge "MickTwin"