No longer needed. I found a COMPLETE Konus KJ-6 60 mm telescope setup today at Goodwill for $10 dollars and ALL the parts are interchangeable with the little short tube refractor I was needing lenses for. Even the finder scope. Looked at the moon tonight with both of them and was pleased with both telescopes. What is even better is the KJ-6's diagonal has the 0.96 to 1-1/4" adapter I wanted so not only do I now have two 0.96 eyepieces and a moon filter for use in both units but I can also use my existing 1-1/4 eyepieces like I really wanted to, at least the lighter weight ones. Neither scope would support heavy glass.
Very rare to find a complete setup like this. It was lying about in parts as someone had pulled every thing out of its carry bag, and scattered it about on the bottom of a rack, but they missed a little parts bag at the bottom of case. I saw the tube first, then the carry case, then the tripod, then found all the parts and lenses in the bag at the bottom of the case.
I was stoked. The guy at the register was pretty stoked about it to when he found out it was a complete setup.
Sorry, excited and posted more than I needed to.