I liked all the proof sets and the half dollar collections of Franklins, and all kinds of good stuff. I probably won't be diving for a while because I have to take care of some health issues before I take my certification dive. Going to be wading with the wetsuit as soon as I can get one and doing some snorkeling. My instructor wants me to get in better shape before my first 60 foot dive. It's 24 degrees with a wind chill of 12 degrees in south, Ga and that's not our normal temps, I guarantee. The high is supposed to be 33 degrees today, but I don't think it's gonna make it. Had some ice last night and a little over an inch of snow. I hope Friday I can do some dirt fishing. Seeing all that gold at the show got me fired up, but this artic blast has cooled me down some. After seeing how small those dollar gold coins were, I will slow down my scan speed even lower than it is now and dig any target that sounds promising. Hope to have my scoop modified by Friday, even tho I will be hunting on land. HH and take care everybody. This weather is dangerous, especially to people who aren't used to it in the lower south.