The Mayor said:
The Shadow X-2 was built by Fisher wasn't it..?? So the coils would not be compatible with the others.
No, the Troy Custom Shadow X2 was nothing more than a very slightly modified Silver Sabre [size=small]micro[/size]MAX stuck in the black rod and housing package. It shares all the general use Tesoro model coils. The X3 and X5 were handled by Fisher and use completely different coils than the X2.
The Mayor said:
Appreciate all the great info on the Kruzer... Just ordered one from Dan Patterson. Also got the pinpointer and every small coil that will work.on the Kruzer..... Good to see you are still in here...
The Mayor
I only have the prototype 'test' Multi-Kruzer and anticipate getting a factory production device with a couple of enhancements/features not on our test samples.
As for search coils, I'll use the stock 7X11 maybe for some Beach Hunting, but otherwise there are mainly just 2 search coils I really
need and 1 more coil than I
want for the Multi-Kruzer and I'll be fully equipped for any hunt site challenge I typically encounter. The NEEDED coils are the 7" Concentric which will be my general-use, always kept mounted coil, and the round 5" DD for the nastiest of iron trash environments I encounter ...
often. My WANTED 3rd search coil is the 5X9½ DD open-frame coil for low-to-moderate trashy conditions in more open environments.
I have been using the short-cabled coils off my Nokta Impact, but tonight I am shuffling several coils around and the 7" Concentric is going back on the working end of my Impact.

I will be mounting the 5" DD on my Multi-Kruzer because I have been hunting two good potential renovation sites here in town that are very littered with rubble from an old building collapse, and another is an old house demolition site. Getting a production Multi-Kruzer and the 7" Concentric and 5" DD coils is #1 on my 'Most Wanted' list right now.
I know that once you spend time with whatever Kruzer model you are getting, the more excited you will be with the comfort and convenience they offer. Once you're comfortable with it, you will be very satisfied with the value and performance.