Well 7" coil arrived today so I will give it a good test tomorrow, thank you for the input, I will let you know how I did and post pics of what I found in the nails.
Hey, did you make it out with the new 7" Con. coil? How did you do? My Impact and a half-dozen other detectors, coils, headphones and a lot more were stolen from my vehicle. I have managed, over time, to recover three of my favorites, but I don't think the others will surface. So, I ordered a brand new Impact w/5" DD and 7" Concentric coils, my two favorites, and that is due to arrive tomorrow, Wednesday. It might hit 54° and be mostly sunny on Thursday up at three of the gold mining era ghost towns we hunt, so I'll have it ready-to-go (along with my other Relic Hunting Team of detectors) and put it to good use.
Rain and snow due to hit up there Friday evening thru Monday so I'm trusting it will be a good day and I'll get the coil over something worthwhile. I hope you enjoy your new coil.