I really like some things I have heard... the main one being that at an old site loaded with iron, it is difficult to interpret the audio... that tells me that it is giving a LOT of information. This will probably be frustrating at first but I see it as a really good thing. Also I have heard that it is the first digital machine with audio that is like analog audio. That is a good thing.
Yeah, I don't like that the HP jack is on the rear right instead of left, that according to users is a PITA to connect to, and that the upper/lower don't have a lock (I can shim/tighten that and I can work around the rest of the minor dislikes, they are making an adapter for the HP jack and I think there is already one available aftermarket).
The main thing is that is finds good targets that are hard to find because we all know that virgin sites are rare and these days you either find some great site through research and then have the luck to gain permission OR you rehunt those pounded sites with a new machine that has the edge of somehow alerting to some good target that other machines miss... or it could all be sunspots, the phase of the moon, and local electric generating cycles..hmmmm. That is why I have a stable of machines, I find that each one will to some degree find things that the others won't find. Tesoros are great at ignoring small iron, Sovereign is good at ignoring larger iron, E-TRAC is good at unmasking, T2/F75 are FAST and light, V3 is adaptable to most sites/conditions and will ID at depth. I am looking forward to seeing where the AT will fit... my opinion from reading others opinions is that the AT will find good targets at good depth in trash and iron and I am really excited at the prospect of a digital machine with "virtual" analog audio... audio is KING.
I also like what I hear about the recovery speed. IMO, super fast recovery speed has it's place but I do not like to swing really fast all the time, I don't ever like to have to swing really slow so it sounds to me like the AT is just right as far as recovery speed, in the PRO mode. If I am right it is slower in the regular mode and is pretty much beep/dig but with a jam up coil.
Did I mention it is LIGHTWEIGHT and WATERPROOF to 10 ft?
There is always something wrong with everything. Do you remember when the E-TRAC came out and many people hated it because it was not an Explorer III? ML made it very clear that it was not an Explorer but people still complained because they couldn't make it be a better Explorer. First Texas makes good machines buti've only had one that I didn't have to send back for repairs, some more than once... so, I take it all with a grain of salt.
What matters to me is this: Can I use the detector for hours without pain and will it make good finds at "hunted out" sites... everything else can be tweaked somehow. If it has to be sent in and fixed, that really does not bother me... it is not a perfect world and I am very thankful that there are people who put so much time and money into designing detectors that keep improving on the VLF platform.
If Garrett sells as many ATs as I think they will, someone will offer an improved aftermarket shaft, different HP adapters and WP headphones that use the Garrett connector. SR will make an inline probe... things will roll along and get better and better but the basics will remain... great audio, audio that baffles users at first but then begins to reward... with targets that should not be "there".
The AT-PRO is a GREAT machine from my perspective and I plan to have one in the early spring, it is why I spend time on this forum.
Did I ever mention that I LOVE detectors? I love detectors as much as I love detecting and that is another thing about the AT-PRO... have you taken time just to look at it? It is the Dodge Challenger of detectors... it looks incredible!! It isn't a square box with a pod on the handle,,, it is sleek, rounded, and black.. it is a work of ART.
Good work Garrett... this will be my first Garrett detector, I have a Pro Pinpointer that I use as a backup and it is built like a tank.