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get involved in politics? If we don't as Christians pray and act upon Govt issues, which the worldly act upon, then nothing will be changed for the better! We should vote our consciences as God's Holy Spirit leads us and hope for the better in the world! Because W was brought up along with C, that is why I commented on each! I will let you know that I prayed and fasted for over 20 days for W to win the election! God knows what He is doing by answering the prayers of millions of Christians all over the world, who were praying for God to intercede in the 2004 election and if you have something against our prayers, then go to God and tell Him!
Do I agree with everything Bush does or says? (NO)....but I prefer him to K, who ran against him! We would have been in great trouble had he won, or had C been able to stay in office and I pray with all my being that Mrs. C never, ever is elected to fill the Pres position...not because she is a woman but of who she is or who she isn't in our Lord Jesus Christ!
I could quote many scriptures, too, but if we don't occupy in the world and make changes for the better until Jesus comes, then what good are we as true believers in Christ Jesus! Scripture is being fulfilled right before our eyes and ears, saying there will be wars and rumors of war and when they say, Peace, there will be sudden destruction, for there will be no peace until Jesus the Perfect One comes again as the ruler over everything in heaven and on earth!
Love is an action word....James 2:17,18 says, Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man (woman) may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (KJV)
And we know the tree by the fruit it bears! C did have many people killed by his actions...in Africa....our own soldiers were dragged in the streets. He helped the enemy murder the Christians overseas, so don't tell me about C or Mrs C...I read, I study the Bible and I pray for understanding! Have you forgotten the gas and oil shortages of the 70's? There were long lines at the pumps during Carter's presidency!
We can't stand by and let the enemy take over the whole world! No one can rest on their laurels and do nothing but pray and hope all will turn out okay. That's not the way things work in a corrupted, sinful world. Jesus told the enemy what they truly were: Vipers and he didn't soft soap them! W is doing his best...even when the enemies in Congress are trying to do their best to stop him...to keep America free from terrorist attacks! It takes a lot of work, investigating and making sure we aren't like the 3rd world nations, which is going to happen if the D's get their way! They and the environmentalists stop oil production in the US, which could free us from the enemie's countries oil and also there should have been refineries built even in Carter's pres reign.
Well, I will get off my soapbox....and I do and will love my enemy, but I will not allow them to destroy me or any others, if I can help it! The devil is busy destroying in every way he can, because he only has a short while to get more souls into hell with him!
I love my country and will pray and do what I can (which isn't a lot in the gov because of my health and age) to help make things better by voting for those who are Christians and believe in not killing the elderly, babies in the womb, those who are bedridden and can't help themselves, and the poor, weak, blind and the lame!
I pray God will continue to be with me and guide me in all that He would have me to do to make the world better for everyone including you!
God Bless!
Do I agree with everything Bush does or says? (NO)....but I prefer him to K, who ran against him! We would have been in great trouble had he won, or had C been able to stay in office and I pray with all my being that Mrs. C never, ever is elected to fill the Pres position...not because she is a woman but of who she is or who she isn't in our Lord Jesus Christ!
I could quote many scriptures, too, but if we don't occupy in the world and make changes for the better until Jesus comes, then what good are we as true believers in Christ Jesus! Scripture is being fulfilled right before our eyes and ears, saying there will be wars and rumors of war and when they say, Peace, there will be sudden destruction, for there will be no peace until Jesus the Perfect One comes again as the ruler over everything in heaven and on earth!
Love is an action word....James 2:17,18 says, Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man (woman) may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (KJV)
And we know the tree by the fruit it bears! C did have many people killed by his actions...in Africa....our own soldiers were dragged in the streets. He helped the enemy murder the Christians overseas, so don't tell me about C or Mrs C...I read, I study the Bible and I pray for understanding! Have you forgotten the gas and oil shortages of the 70's? There were long lines at the pumps during Carter's presidency!
We can't stand by and let the enemy take over the whole world! No one can rest on their laurels and do nothing but pray and hope all will turn out okay. That's not the way things work in a corrupted, sinful world. Jesus told the enemy what they truly were: Vipers and he didn't soft soap them! W is doing his best...even when the enemies in Congress are trying to do their best to stop him...to keep America free from terrorist attacks! It takes a lot of work, investigating and making sure we aren't like the 3rd world nations, which is going to happen if the D's get their way! They and the environmentalists stop oil production in the US, which could free us from the enemie's countries oil and also there should have been refineries built even in Carter's pres reign.
Well, I will get off my soapbox....and I do and will love my enemy, but I will not allow them to destroy me or any others, if I can help it! The devil is busy destroying in every way he can, because he only has a short while to get more souls into hell with him!
I love my country and will pray and do what I can (which isn't a lot in the gov because of my health and age) to help make things better by voting for those who are Christians and believe in not killing the elderly, babies in the womb, those who are bedridden and can't help themselves, and the poor, weak, blind and the lame!
I pray God will continue to be with me and guide me in all that He would have me to do to make the world better for everyone including you!
God Bless!