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Just a reminder - Pro 6:16 These six Jehovah hates; yea, seven are hateful to his soul:

get involved in politics? If we don't as Christians pray and act upon Govt issues, which the worldly act upon, then nothing will be changed for the better! We should vote our consciences as God's Holy Spirit leads us and hope for the better in the world! Because W was brought up along with C, that is why I commented on each! I will let you know that I prayed and fasted for over 20 days for W to win the election! God knows what He is doing by answering the prayers of millions of Christians all over the world, who were praying for God to intercede in the 2004 election and if you have something against our prayers, then go to God and tell Him!

Do I agree with everything Bush does or says? (NO)....but I prefer him to K, who ran against him! We would have been in great trouble had he won, or had C been able to stay in office and I pray with all my being that Mrs. C never, ever is elected to fill the Pres position...not because she is a woman but of who she is or who she isn't in our Lord Jesus Christ!

I could quote many scriptures, too, but if we don't occupy in the world and make changes for the better until Jesus comes, then what good are we as true believers in Christ Jesus! Scripture is being fulfilled right before our eyes and ears, saying there will be wars and rumors of war and when they say, Peace, there will be sudden destruction, for there will be no peace until Jesus the Perfect One comes again as the ruler over everything in heaven and on earth!

Love is an action word....James 2:17,18 says, Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man (woman) may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (KJV)

And we know the tree by the fruit it bears! C did have many people killed by his Africa....our own soldiers were dragged in the streets. He helped the enemy murder the Christians overseas, so don't tell me about C or Mrs C...I read, I study the Bible and I pray for understanding! Have you forgotten the gas and oil shortages of the 70's? There were long lines at the pumps during Carter's presidency!

We can't stand by and let the enemy take over the whole world! No one can rest on their laurels and do nothing but pray and hope all will turn out okay. That's not the way things work in a corrupted, sinful world. Jesus told the enemy what they truly were: Vipers and he didn't soft soap them! W is doing his best...even when the enemies in Congress are trying to do their best to stop keep America free from terrorist attacks! It takes a lot of work, investigating and making sure we aren't like the 3rd world nations, which is going to happen if the D's get their way! They and the environmentalists stop oil production in the US, which could free us from the enemie's countries oil and also there should have been refineries built even in Carter's pres reign.

Well, I will get off my soapbox....and I do and will love my enemy, but I will not allow them to destroy me or any others, if I can help it! The devil is busy destroying in every way he can, because he only has a short while to get more souls into hell with him!

I love my country and will pray and do what I can (which isn't a lot in the gov because of my health and age) to help make things better by voting for those who are Christians and believe in not killing the elderly, babies in the womb, those who are bedridden and can't help themselves, and the poor, weak, blind and the lame!

I pray God will continue to be with me and guide me in all that He would have me to do to make the world better for everyone including you!

God Bless!
their laurels and thinking all is okay with them and the world! The reason, I think, you enjoyed the limelight, was how you were raised, which you have posted about previously! When a person, including me, isn't shown attention or love (although I know I was loved but not shown it as a child) we try to get it anyway we can! You have come a long way in the Lord and I pray you don't slide back into the old lifestyle and by keeping faith in Jesus you won't and will grow stronger in faith by serving Him in song and praise instead!

Just give our Lord Jesus Christ praise in all things and He will bless you with blessings that you cannot even believe, for our Savior is a good God, but He will scold and reprimend us (His Children) when we do wrong and disobey His will and His way! :angel:

God Bless!
So let me get this right. Mentioning no names, you were able to come to the conclusion that "who does this sound like" was President Bush by the description of actions God hates?

Let me reiterate - Pro 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

As I mentioned before, I could have been speaking about myself, you or anyone reading the post and yet you, all on your own, recognized that the Bush Administration fit the description and irrespective of the fact that the Father, the one you claim as your God considers these actions an abomination choose to side with those who do these things?

No wonder there is discord among the brethren! How does wrong become right? If you and others consider people who do these things "Christians" are the attributes attributed to the fruit of the spirit now considered anti-Christ? Let's read that again. Gal 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control". No, you can clearly see there is a difference between the actions of what God considers evil and the actions attributed to true Christian living.

All through the New Testament we are told beware of imposter's and deceivers and the way that you will know them (by their actions). This is so you can stand against the enemy of our soul and not join forces with him.

We all have been offered a gift, but the gift comes with conditions. You must put aside the things God considers abominations and strive for the fruit of the spirit.

Jesus won out over the temptations of the enemy of our soul and we can too, but not by ignoring the examples and instruction presented concerning good and evil because you fear for your life.

If your fear outweighs you faith and causes you to support people who do the very things God considers abominations to His soul, then you can count yourself among the lost rather than the saved. These are not my words, but words found in the New Testament. I encourage you to seek these words out and read them for yourself rather than take my or anyone else's word on it. Eternity is a long time to spend in torment and Jesus is the key to avoiding that torment.

Seek the Light. May God bless you with discernment.
I said that I hear lots of words, very similar words to the ones you spoke, almost on a daily basis. When you hear something over and over, a person knows what is being said, even if the person is trying to be coy in his presentation. I am glad that you are able to tell me that president Bush is a horrible christian/leader, etc. So far, that is something that the Holy Spirit hasnt even placed in my heart. Why do I need Him when I have you to tell me right from wrong (I'm being facetious here). And why do we need the Father when we have you to judge a persons actions and to say whether he is a christian or not. I find it interesting that people with a left lean are always telling right leaning people that they are too judgemental, and then I see them as the first ones to pick up the stone. Mark, just drop your stone and walk away. Life is too short to be hating on people. You dont like bush. Fine. Thats ok with me. You can dress up your politics in all the religious garb you want, but dont tell me that I am wrong thinking/undiscerning just because you have an axe to grind with the president.
Now, you can barrage me with all the scripture that you can think of, but until the Holy Spirit reveals to me that I am thinking wrong, then you are wasting my time, as well as your own time.

So, onto more harmonious topics...Tell me of your impression of the MXT. I am considering buying one.

want to shoot barbs at someone and say they are not a Christian because of your interpretation of the Scriptures than pick on me not J! He is a wonderful believer in stop it!!!!

I'm the one who brought up Religion and Politics after reading another post which I supposed to be yours! God is our Judge and the Holy Spirit quickens us to the truth of the Word by the Light of Jesus' loving revelation! Whether an enemy or a brother-in-Christ, you are loved and no matter what you say, like J said, until the Holy Spirit of God tells us differently we (I) will interpret the scriptures by interpreting them with other scriptures! We must read the precepts line upon line and with the Holy Spirit we will know the truth and the truth will set us free!

Now, like J, let us consider this topic closed and as long as Pres Bush is in office, let us uplift him in prayer and his family! He is human the same as each of us and makes errors. WE DO KNOW THE TREE BY THE FRUIT IT BEARS and on the whole "W" bears mostly good fruit! What "C' did was an abomination to the Lord and perverted sex will always be an abomination to Him!!

I only wish you well and hope you and yours (if you are married) have a good life in Christ Jesus as the Lord of your lives!

God Bless!
Where am I doing anyone wrong?

If God says something is an abomination who are you, me or anyone else to say it isn't? The idea is to conform our thoughts to His, not the other way around.

You keep talking about the spirit of God, but what God, Betty? How is anyone able to discern which spirit they are listening to if they don't bother to seek guidance from scripture? The God you proclaim to follow from the Bible says one thing, but you seem to discount it and make up your own teachings. I produce the scripture to back up what I write about. I hope you'll start doing the same so that we can come to some agreement as to what is truth and what is fairy tales.

How else can you interpret "Pro 6:16 These six Jehovah hates; yea, seven are hateful to his soul."

Did you notice "perverted sex" was not one of the seven? Yes, I do know adultery is included in the Ten, but how is it you ignore example after example after example of things God considers abominations and yet rant and rage and are unwilling forgive the mistake of another.

I'm not the one who named any names, but it seems to be a case of if the shoe fits. I was only trying to bring focus to what God considers wrong in a world where wrong teaching abounds and you jumped in and started defending those who have a history of doing the very things God considers hateful to His soul. Who is the one standing in opposition to God?

You say "the truth will set us free" and yet it seems you are encouraging others to reject the truth as written in the Bible in favor of your own truth. Enlighten me, Betty. How would you interpret Pro 6:16-19 "These six Jehovah hates; yea, seven are hateful to his soul"? What is the core lesson we are to glean from this teaching?

Your write "Whether an enemy or a brother-in-Christ, you...". So I am an enemy now because I quote scripture contrary to your belief? How is it you are having a problem discerning which side I am on? Am I not correctly quoting scripture word for word? Have I manipulated any scripture to deceive anyone? Have I lied? Caused anyone to be led astray? Caused harm to anyone? I've only presented the views contained in scripture in opposition to your beliefs.

Back up your own comments with scripture, Betty. Help me out. Dispute anything I say with scripture contained in the New Testament and correct me if I am wrong. I need your help. I suspect you may have heard about what happens to those who lead others astray. If you can save me from a millstone around my neck and being cast into the sea I would appreciate it. I am trying to do the same for you. Working together we'll both grow in our understanding of the Word.

You write "WE DO KNOW THE TREE BY THE FRUIT IT BEARS..." James, the brother of Jesus refutes your assertion "Jam 3:11-18 Does a fountain send forth at the same hole the sweet and the bitter? Can the fig tree, my brothers, bear olive berries; or a vine, figs? So no fountain can yield both salt water and fresh. Who is wise and knowing among you? Let him show his works by his good conduct with meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and strife in your hearts, do not glory and lie against the truth. This is not the wisdom coming down from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife are, there is confusion and every foul deed. But the wisdom that is from above is first truly pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."

This isn't anger. This is scripture. Lies, deceit, killing innocent people, preying upon the poor have nothing to do with Christianity except as a means to discern the saved from the misguided or lost. That is the whole point in the teachings that warns us time and time again that many will come in the name of Jesus, but don't be deceived, you will know those who will lead you astray by their fruit/actions/deeds. Ignore the teaching at your own risk.

I am not your enemy, Betty. I am your good friend who wants you to join me on a journey seeking the path of truth. Not the truth as I see it. The truth as written in the New Testament. Anything less and our faith becomes as a leaf in the wind blown this way and that by popular opinion which is really no faith at all (according to the Bible). That's the state of Pop Christianity today. Anything goes as long as you tithe. Might is right, but it isn't. Jesus wants us to be all of one mind and the way to do that is to read the teachings and then conform our minds to follow the example of our Lord and Master contained in the New Testament instead of fairy tales created by man. Light is right.

May God Bless you and yours.
You're not gonna answer me Mark? I really am truely interested in your thoughts on the MXT. I see that you live just east of me as well, in Idaho. Do you hunt for gold, or are you mostly a coinshooter?

Why are there so many religions? It is because of the different interpretations of the scriptures! I know the truth in Christ Jesus, Who is the Living Word sent to give the world light! Now we can walk in the light of God's truth or we can interpret the Bible scriptures the way we choose to do, so it fits what we like for our own life!

You aren't my enemy unless you serve satan, the liar and old devil! All who choose to serve satan, the enemy of God and we who are Christians, are the enemies we have to be aware of and not listen to (no matter what scriptures are posted on here)...unless God's Holy Spirit reveals the truth of those scriptures, we can interpret them any way we choose to:

Even the devil quoted scripture to Jesus in the wilderness during His 40 day and nights of testing before He began the business of what God had sent Him to do. Bringing salvation's free gift to all people, who would believe and accept it for themselves! It is not forced upon us, but we each can choose to serve Jesus, as the Lord of our life, or serve satan,who is served (unless still innocent until we come to the age of acknowledgment that we are born sinners and need a Savior) until we admit we are sinners and believe in Jesus as our own personal Savior and Lord!!

But the twisting of the Word is not the truth or taking it out of context is not the truth! When we are saved in Jesus, there is no more condemnation in those who truly believe! Our pres has confessed his sins to Jesus, is not ashamed to say His name and to Whom he belongs! He is pres and is limited to the Constitutional laws and the voting power of Congress, which doesn't always go along with him or the Christians' ways! "C" never has admitted this and his fruits are certainly not of God!

If you think, I error in the Word of God, then you do not know in Whom I live and Whom I serve! I am born again, a Spirit filled Child of God, a faithful servant, and I love Jesus with all my heart!

We intrepret the scriptures as God reveals them to us and if we don't understand then we are to ask and seek and we will receive by His Holy Spirit! Read all my posts from this year and the past year and you will see where I'm coming from and not be attacking me that I don't know the truth of God! I am seeking Him, for godly wisdom and for strength to keep on, keepin' on for my good and for His purpose, for He is the One and Only God Who gets the glory!! Not I, not you, nor anyone else!!

Because of different interpretations, with each thinking they have the true knowledge, wars has been fought in the name of religion! The Muslims believe strongly in their faith but they serve a wrong god, Allah is a moon god and not our Father in Heaven, Who is Jehovah God, the Almighty, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father, Who is the first and the last! No other God is before Him nor will be after Him! He is Alpha and Omega and is reigning now and forever more!

I'm not ashamed to say the name of Jesus, Whom is the truth, the life and the way to the Father and no one enters God's Kingdom but only through Him! Praise God that He made a way for each of us, by being a repentant sinner, to be with Him forever and ever!

May you walk in more of His glorious light and not be so judgemental to we who love our Lord and serve Him faithfully with joy unspeakable, full of glory, for we as true believers are one with Jesus!

I defended by brother-in-Christ, J (rentasquid) because you didn't like him posting the post that was from another forum which showed who you really are and what you believe! A liberal, who hates Bush and probably all conservative Christians but I don't condemn you, as only God can do that through your unbelief and unforgiven sins! Your own words condemn you and will on God's Judgement Day when His books are opened! (I'm glad God allowed J to post what he did or otherwise I and maybe many others would have been fooled by your postings.)

I love you because Jesus loves you! He said to love one another and do good! If you don't accept His love and forgiveness and His truth then, you are the one who will be judged and cast from His sight! You can quote all the scriptures that you want, but unless you have the love of Christ in your heart than they won't do you any good or anyone else!

Jesus loves you, so hear what He has to say and don't just pick out a few scriptures from the OLD TESTAMENT...but interpret them with the scriptures from the NEW TESTAMENT! :angel:

God Bless!
Hello J.

I am going to drop it and get on to more fun things, but I've got to clear some things up.

You wrote "I am glad that you are able to tell me that president Bush is a horrible christian/leader, etc." I didn't say that, J. The Bible has provided a means to discern who is who. This is scripturally correct 1Jo 4:1 tells us "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits to see if they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." I just reminded everyone of the things God hates. You simply recognized the shoe just happened to fit (as it does for me to). The shoe shouldn't fit, J.

You said that I was judging you. No, I may think that you are misguided, but I used scripture to make my points to call to your attention that you may be misguided. Any judgement you may feel comes from the fact that we all know right from wrong deep inside us. Scripture is all we have to help each other find the way through the narrow gate. I pointed out scripture contrary to your beliefs and at the same time I encouraged you not to take my word, but to explore the possibility yourself. I didn
Didn't know you had written something until now, as my ditto was for your smiley! I hope Mark answers your post about the MXT and maybe you can get together and do some detecting and gain a new hunting partner!

God Bless!